• In which there can be multiple interpretations for the same search phrase.

    I’m not entirely sure what in the blue hell this thinggy from Google was aiming at, but I hope they found it, whatever it was.

    Oct 8 5:49pm: odsp rat. bastard

    Let me see, here. Possible translations include. ODSP people are rat bastards? Yes, in a few cases definitely. The mess I landed in when living in Petawawa is proof of this. Someone got ratted out by or to ODSP? That’d certainly warrant me calling them a bastard–at a minimum–so, eh, sure. Why not? As for other possible translations? Okay I got nothin’. Not entirely sure if it’s because I’m half out of it, or they were. Of course it’s entirely possible this entry just didn’t need to be posted–but oh well. Too late now. The next one’lol be somewhere in the neighbourhood of decent. Or at least that’s what I tell myself while I seriously hope the thing doesn’t catch fire.

  • Looking for a reason to quit smoking? How about because no one’ll hire you?

    That’s the situation now in a few Florida cities after their governments instituted bylaws against employees smoking even during their off hours. Companies can and are having people sign statements declaring themselves to be free of tobacco for 12 months prior to the application date. Also, in at least one city, employers are authorised to conduct random testing and to fire people who don’t pass that test. No idea how that doesn’t get smacked with a constitutional challenge if nothing else, but you’ll have that. Positive side, for a few: it’s cigarette smoke they’re targetting. So you with the joint? You’re safe–well, local and state laws against that kinda thing pending. Everyone else? tho thorry, thir. But hey–somebody somewhere might just see that as a reason to quit smoking. Or quit their job, but whichever.

  • The conspiracy theorists have found me. And ya know what? They’re kind of adoreable.

    There’s whacky, messed up spam, there’s loopy conspiracies, and then there’s whacky, messed up spam dressed up to look like loopy conspiracies. I’m used to hearing all about them on TV, or the radio, or reading about them in $newspaper–see: Alex Jones, meltdown of. But this is the first time I’ve ever had one sent specificly to my email address. I mean hell, they didn’t even bother to do me the courtesy of slapping it into the contact page. It must be wicked major important then, right? I mean, only hugely important things get flung directly at my email address–and without any real delay at that. Nope, sorry, try again. It’s just a random American nutbar stalking me. How boring. Bright side: in so stalking me as this particular nutbar chose to, he/she/it more than happily self-mocks. But here–let me help out where I can.

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  • In which James is clearly not supposed to move anywhere, ever.

    When I started this blog, I had no idea I’d end up moving to Ottawa. Meaning at all. And yet, I’ve officially been here twice–and every move has been quite the adventure. When I moved the first time, the hour and a half drive on a good day became the 4 hour drive in a snowstorm. Moving back to Petawawa, we were soked to the skin before half the truck was unpacked. Which made hauling boxes and the like into the apartment an exercise in timing. Moving back to Ottawa presented its own issues, most of those logistical. And, naturally, most of those could have been avoided if–no, nevermind, that train left ages ago. Moving in September presented yet more logistical–and logical–difficulties. Not to mention took way longer than ever it should have (for the record, the next person who tells me we can move sans Uhaull gets a UKick squarely in the UFace). Shockingly, moving in October, to the apartment we’re in now, was a breeze. Well, after trying desperately to work out the finer points of logistics on that end and having half of them fall apart on contact. The majority of the huge crap was moved in only a couple hours. And, well, after the help left, we handled the rest.

    So fast forward to this month. I may have mentioned–at least in passing on Twitter–we had another move pending. The reasons are plenty, and they’ll make the blog when the smoke clears, but suffice it to say things went from awesome to suck in 5.2. So yesterday and today, we took off to poke around the new neighbourhood. Y’know, do the old fashioned let’s see where this goes, what this does, and exactly how painful getting from $home to $place will actually be. And today, it decided to be minus cold while we did it. I should probably point out it was fairly well above freezing this past weekend–and just barely at freezing yesterday. So today’s sudden dive was a particular act of cruelty. Or, as I’ve decided as of 5 minutes ago to declare it, mother nature’s little warning shot. Staring at temperatures right now makes me very glad we did our poking around earlier this morning–for folks familiar with the measurement, it’s -15 C.

    We’re doing it again next week, largely because–hey, it gives us a chance to figure out how best to get ourselves lost when trying to get somewhere simple. And I’m trying my damnedest to not even think right now about exactly how far away from freezing–on the absolute wrong side of freezing–we’re supposed to get just in time for us to go about doing exactly that. And from this, I can draw only one conclusion. James is not allowed to move anywhere, at least in Ottawa, ever. It’s just not natural. And if, on whichever day we actually decide to start haulling things over to the new place, everything goes to hell, I’ll have my proof. And I’ll still be incredibly pissed with mother nature. Which, I’m fairly sure, is exactly how she likes it.

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  • Better late than never: TD Bank takes 4 months to tell me no.

    I haven’t applied for a job since moving to where I’m living now. Mostly because I’ve been fighting with things of a school related nature, but also because it hasn’t gotten me very far. But at least on days wherein it hasn’t gotten me all that far, it’s usually taken maybe two weeks for someone to tell me to please play again. TD Bank apparently likes building up the suspense factor, I guess?

    From: donotreply@td.com
    Sent: January 16, 2013 3:40 PM
    To: my@email.address (I’m alergic to spam)
    Subject: Thank you for your application on TD Opportunities – Full-Time Customer Service Officer

    Dear James,

    Thank you for your interest in employment opportunities with TD Bank Group.

    We received your application for the position of Full-Time Customer Service Officer at TD Bank Group. We wish to advise you that this position has been filled and as such, we will not be proceeding further with your application. Your online profile information will remain available for future reference.

    Please continue to visit the Careers/Job Opportunities section of www.td.com to update your personal details, review current job listings and apply for new opportunities.

    Thank you for your interest in TD Bank Group and we wish you success in future endeavors.

    Human Resources
    TD Bank Group

    Dear TD Bank Group,

    Thank you for letting me know you were at least still considering. I’m sorry to hear that it took you somewhere around 4 months to finally fill this position. I don’t suppose now is the correct time to point out that it would have taken you significantly less time to do so had you just elected to hire me. I won’t be offended, however, at the fact you instead took this long to say no.

    Deciding what to pay someone with my level of geek can sometimes be a tiny bit tricky–especially if you’re also trying to figure out how best to avoid paying someone with my level of geek and not, at the same time, shoot yourself in the foot. It’s a bit of a balancing act, made even more so by the fact you must not have had a whole lot of actual, honest to goodness interest in the posting–either that or your automated “thanks for coming out” system is just really, really backlogged. Still, it’s nice to know you’re thinking of me. Perhaps I’ll check in in another 4 months. Here’s hoping you’ve found second gear by then.

    James Homuth

  • Guns, CSI, murder novels good. World of Warcraft bad. got it?

    Oh, I wish I could have come up for air long enough to snerk at this when it actually happened. But I was tailspinning all over the place trying to catch up from previous tailspins all over the place. So I completely missed–or rather, set aside and completely forgot about–the ascertion by the Maine republican party that, uh, playing World of Warcraft is evil.

    The republicans trotted this one out against democratic senate candidate Colleen Lachowicz, and backed up their attack with comments they pulled off a forum –presumedly for world of Warcraft players–from a few years ago in which she said she liked to poison and stab people. So suddenly, according to the republicans, they were running up against potentially the next psychopathic mass murderer–because, you know, every mass murderer has at some point played a game not too dissimilar to World of Warcraft. And here’s the snerk factor.

    The republican party, when they’re not championing all manner of constitutional rights violations (Warrantless wiretapping, anyone?), is only slightly less ridiculous a defender of the second amendment than the NRA. It’s why John Q. Crazy can and has gone to the nearest gun show and come home with a semi-automatic. Couple that with the fact we’ve got shows like CSI. Also add the fact even kids’ shows now are considerably more violent–or, at least, more graphic about that violence–than they were, let’s say, 20 years ago. And, just because it’s there, let’s add one more thing. Murder novels and the like–who’s violence can be as detailed in text as any violence in, say, WoW can be in graphics. If you’re of the right mindset, some of the going reading material out there could serve a dual purpose–an entertaining/interesting novel, and a how-to manual on creatively causing all manner of damage. But World of Warcraft is wicked evil cruel and all manner of generally not recommended. Clear things up any for ya? Even if the NRA would very likely be in agreement? Well, okay then. They tried. And as for that election? Yeah, uh, about that. Clears things up for me, if nothing else. World of Warcraft good. Maine republicans bad. Yeah, that looks much better. Now, I think I’m missing CSI.

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  • All you can eat: not quite what it used to be.

    Maybe this is just a thing I never stopped getting used to after living in BC. I have absolutely no idea. But when I think of an all you can eat restaurant, I think two, maybe three helpings and you’re needing a forklift to get you back to your vehicle. I was also fairly active back then, so my definition of a helping was probably different than most. Still, when you go to all you can eat joints around here, you can have your two or three helpings–this time, I mean the more commonly understood definition of the word–and inside of 10 minutes, you’re wondering if you actually did just get finished with supper. It’s more than just me with that complaint–as evidenced by the fact pretty much no one goes to that type of restaurants around here. And it’s more than just an Ontario thing, as evidenced by one restaurant owner’s reaction to two customers trying to solve that problem in Brighton, England. His idea? Call them out for it in front of the rest of his customers, then toss them. The restaurant, a Mongolian BBQ joint, charges $19 a head for an all you can eat buffet, and these two frequented the place for around 2 years. Now, granted, we don’t learn exactly how much these two had eaten, or how much they usually eat when there, but we do learn something vaguely useful. All you can eat doesn’t mean what it used to. We’ll just add that to the list.

  • Handing a 0 to no 0 policies.

    When I started this blog, back when I didn’t know this blog would become, well, this blog, I swore to myself I’d never have a reason to start off an entry with “this might be showing my age”. And then, just like that, I had a reason to start an entry exactly like that. And it’s all the fault of the non-education system.

    This indeed might just be showing my age, but when I was in school, the absolute worst thing you could ever have happen to you from an academic viewpoint was to miss a due date. Not because people back then suddenly found themselves incredibly devoted to getting their homework done–far from it. I’m pretty sure there’s always been that cluster of people who had so much better things to do than homework. They were usually the ones seen in the middle of a massive heart attack about 2 days before the exam when they were in danger of having to repeat the class, or worse, the year. They were the ones, most of the time, who insisted they didn’t fail a grade–they were just “held back”, while all the while consistently showing off their definition of “held back”. And then things started happening. Graduation rates fell, dropout rates increased, kids were doing absolutely craptacular in testing. Piled on top of that were, at least in Ontario, several strikes by either the teachers or their support staff–kind of like what’s going on now, except there was no bill 115 for them to be upset with.

    When I left highschool, the cariculum at least in Ontario was being turned inside out. Standardised testing was implemented, which didn’t do very many people very many favours. A lot of the courses that were supposed to prepare you for university were either stripped out, or pared down so they weren’t as intimidating for the majority of people. Ontario used to be one of the only, if not the only, province that had a grade 13–the extra year kids could take if they needed additional credits for a college/university course, or if, as was often the case, you needed that university level math, english and whatever else because grades 11 and 12 didn’t have the room for it–and most universities wouldn’t look at you if you didn’t have at least that.

    When they killed grade 13, they started softening up on things in general. For instance, around that same time was when I’d first heard of schools getting away from handing out a 0 for incomplete work. Folks who went to the same highschool I spent most of my time at became very familiar with the phrase “I can’t mark air”. Which usually carried with it the pretty straightforward implication that hey, you can put off doing $asignment at your choosing, but don’t look past the end of your nose when it shows up on your report card. Shortly after I was done with highschool in general, that went out the window–around, most likely, the same time as the teacher who invented that phrase was either fired or encouraged to quit or otherwise found herself not working at the school. Then the government changed, attitudes on failure changed, the idea that maybe they were too hard on the kids was taking hold, and we somehow twisted and turned our way to a teacher in Edmonton getting fired for daring to hand out 0’s.

    This conversation comes up every so often between myself and quite a few people, usually around the time someone discovers the world outside of highschool is more than a little tiny bit different. It’ll no doubt come up again, after the resignation of the director of toronto’s school board for plagiarrism to the 80 millionth degree–particularly given that the offending director didn’t see anything wrong with it. And indeed, the way things are right now with schools being strongly discouraged from failing kids for not doing their work, or worse–copy/pasting someone else’s work and calling it their own, they’re escentially saying there’s nothing wrong with it. Kids are told to just do the work, or in the case of a plagiarised asignment, to redo it, and often times that’s the end of it. And that’s if the asignment is even investigated for plagiarism at all–which, if we’re being realistic, would have likely meant Toronto would have had a different director for its school board if that actually happened.

    governments, at least up here, are big on not being hard on the kids. On making sure the kids are comfortable and not intimidated or stressed or whatever while in school, and on escentially making sure the kids graduate. Which, on its face, is something to be all for. And I’d love to be. But when they do it at the expense of the kids actually learning something, Houston, we have a cluster. In life, especially if you decide to go through university and the like, you’re going to have more than a few scrapes with deadlines. You’re going to have more than a few close calls. You’re probably going to fail, or come close to failing, at least once. It’s not supposed to be easy. Neither is the world outside the university bubble. So why does that not apply to highschool, which is supposed to be prepping you for life in, and after, college/university? Why, instead, are kids shielded from the reality of what happens if they decide to wait until the day of the exam before they go off on a mad dash to hand in the asignments that were due a month ago? If I didn’t know better, I’d be inclined to think the folks who dreamed up this idea were on the business end of a few 0’s in their lifetimes.

    Look. No kid at any age *wants* to go to school. I didn’t. Most if not all the people I know didn’t. And we weren’t the biggest fans of homework either. But we did it, even if we bitched about it for an hour and a half afterwards. That’s life. Except now, that part of life is escentially optional. Look, guys. I get it. You want more kids graduating. I can get behind that. I’d love to see more of the younger folks I know graduating. But guess what? Graduating them like this just shoots them in the foot. Sorry, folks. But on this one, I give yall a 0. You can do it over, but now you’re late. Have fun.

  • 2012’s most popular posts. Finally.

    You should read my 2012 year in review. If you haven’t already read my year in review, go read it. Then come back to this. Because this is my take on *your* year in review, from a what caught your attention on this site perspective. In 2012, I sort of had to run behind the blogging wagon, catch up to it, then jump and hope I didn’t miss the damn thing. From a couple flavours of busy to a couple more of crazy, not as much posting as I’d of like to have seen happened. But, you’ll have that. There was stuff posted, and there was stuff read. So what was most read? Here’s your WTN year, in popular posts style.

    • An odd post to top the list of most read entries in 2012 is a post I wrote in 2009. Specificly, the post I wrote on my second thanksgiving spent in the US. Again, it has to be asked. Were folks looking for a quick answer to a homework asignment? The search terms say probably yes.
    • We’re getting closer, but not there yet. In 2010, I posted an open letter calling out Wind Mobile for their fair usage policy. That generated a significant amount of interest when I posted it. In 2012, it still generated a ton of interest. Which tells me they haven’t given any thought to changing things. Don’t worry–they haven’t given thought to responding to the offending letter, either.
    • Hey look, it’s finally a post that was actually written in 2012. Specificly, one of several posts I published both providing some halfway decent answers to people’s questions while at the same time mocking the hell out of ODSP. Okay, and in some cases mocking the searchers as well–but hey, they did it.
    • Anyone who knows me, and they don’t even have to know me well, knows I’m not Apple’s biggest fan. I’ve criticised their app store. I’ve criticized their, in my opinion, accessibility overkill. I’ve criticised the insistence that a phone, and later a tablet, that was supposed to be what replaced the PC didn’t require a keyboard–I still have no freaking idea who brainstormed that one, but I hope they were fired. And in 2011, I bought an iPhone. Surprisingly, in 2012, people still hit that entry. Bright side. I now know I’m not the only person who uses the term “Appleite”.
    • Back to entries posted in 2012, and back to another that takes a searcher’s questions on ODSP and tries to provide an answer. You can see all of those, and the issues that started people hitting the site for ODSP related things, over here.
    • In August of 2012, I moved everything I own to its own, brand spanking new server. And ran into one or two issues with actually sending email from that server. It came down to a reputation service, senderbase, and the fact they’d decided several of the IP addresses I was asigned were arbitrarily too dirty to be worthy of the privelege of sending email. I called them on it, which didn’t get me very far. Apparently they don’t actually, you know, respond to attempts at communication. Thank vodka for workarounds. That is all.
    • The job market has had it in for me for years. To the tune of I’ve been looking in 2008, and have seen progressively less and less interviews since then. Back in 2009, I would have been happy with even a potential job offer. Instead, I got an excuse to tell off the job market a little bit. Oh, and prove that maybe there’s a guy out there named Murphy who needs a pipe in the face. Bright side: even in 2012, that still produces search queries like “fuck the job market”. Which, okay, I may or may not have said a time or five. But, you’ll have that.
    • I’ve always maintained you are physically incapable of legislating common sense and expecting it to actually do anything but make you and a bunch of other people look like absolute idiots. My favourite example is the laws around distracted driving–usually centering around the use of cell phones and the like. There are laws on the books about that in Ontario, I believe Quebec, and quite a few places in the states. The problem with those laws, as I’ve said a few times, though? They don’t actually work. I had quite a few posts on that topic in 2011, including that one in July, with pretty much the same ending. Statistics in states that possess these distracted driving laws are not all that different, if they’re different at all, from statistics in states without them. But, here they come anyway.
    • More on my chasing after the job market, this time from 2010. I’m used to having to pick up and put things together on 24 hours’ notice–or less, depending on the situation. During one of my trips stateside, I had to tear things down and put them together again sometimes more than once in a day. It kind of served to prove why it is I hate making plans. And it gave me an excuse to write this entry, which I think just got itself another visit a few minutes ago. I guess rules, and plans, really are made to be broken. Who knew?
    • And finally, December of 2012 saw some good news on the geekness front, as a project I’ve kept my eye on–namely, the maintenance of accessibility with the WordPress software that powers this site and a few others–took a turn for the better. There’s still work to be done, obviously, but when they released version 3.5, things that haven’t been quite as useable since about 3.0 were on their way back. I go into detail on what’s been fixed, what could still use to be fixed, and how to work around both if you need to. And then I promptly fall off a cliff in time for Christmas.

    And that’s 2012, from the perspective of what people who dropped by here found interesting. And it only took me about halfway through January to write the thing. Now, speaking of falling off cliffs–and no, not fiscal ones–time to go partake in a nightly tradition. Afterwards, though, if I’m not braindead, there’s a mock brewing. Interested?

  • So the NHL’s back. In more important news, when’s baseball?

    I’m probably in the minority, even among people who still barely paid attention to the news surrounding the NHL lockout after about, oh, December 15th. But part of me was actually hoping the season would end up cancelled. Mostly because after this thing being beat to death, I was getting rather sick of hockey news. Instead, what they ended up offering fans was–well–not much. escentially, it’s a practice run before we get to the playoffs. And the team I’d ordinarily cheer for if this year didn’t just try to suck all the appreciation for hockey out of me probably won’t do very well even in that–particularly since they just tossed their GM a week before the mini-season’s supposed to start. So, I’ve decided–probably along with a few others. Screw the season this year. The next big thing on my calendar is spring training. I may, possibly, rethink that for the start of next season–if I’m provided with one hell of a good reason. But this year? Yeah. When’s baseball?


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