• How obsessive are you?

    You Are 4% Obsessive

    You’re less prone to obsessive thoughts than the rest of the world…
    While you do get hung up from time to time, you’re excellent at clearing your mind.

    Hm. I think I like that result. Unless it’s trying to call me abnormal. Then it’s a bastard child.

  • At what price would you sell out?

    On Average, You Would Sell Out For


    Hear that? Pay up, cheapscapes!

  • How open minded are you?

    You Are 44% Open Minded

    You aren’t exactly open minded, but you have been known to occasionally change your mind.
    You’re tolerant enough to get along with others who are very different…
    But you may be quietly judgmental of things or people you think are wrong.
    You take your own values pretty seriously, and it would take a lot to change them.

    Well, it’s half right. If I have an opinion on someone or something, everyone knows it… including said someone or something. But oh well.

  • What’s your beer personality?

    You Are Bud Light

    You’re not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you’ll drink it.
    In fact, you don’t understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you’re drunk!
    You’re an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar.
    You’re pretty good at holding your liquor too – you’ve had lots of experience.

    Well, I suppose. I don’t particularly care for bud llight, but… eh.

  • Okay, now I know what to think of this movie.

    IT’s one great big ball of sap. I believe I shall forego watching the rest of it. In fact, I believe I shall block it out of my memory completely before it scars me for life. Oh the horror! The pain! The… okay I’m done.

  • Not sure what to think of this movie.

    Sitting here watching the Wedding Date, and not entirely sure whether to plug my ears or just get up and leave the room. I guess it isn’t *too* bad a movie, at least so far… but… I dunno. This has the dangerous potential of turning out to be one hell of a sappy movie. If I had a clue what the hell the storyline’s supposed to be I’d quite possibly try and explain it. Right now, though, all I know is the main character, Kat, paid some guy to be her date to attend her sister’s wedding or something… I dunno. I’m paying more attention to someone’s stream of a police scanner instead. That’s the closest thing I have to having my own yet. Though my birthday *is* in 2 weeks… hint, hint, hint! And the one I want is only $500 US… give or take. Okay, I’m starting to get off track here…. doing too many things at once! Back to half watching a mediocre movie and half listening to said stream.

  • What advanced degree should you get?

    You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor)

    You’re logical, driven, and ruthless.
    You’d make a mighty fine lawyer.

    A quiz never lies!

  • I will never be happy with the organizational structure of my website.

    This is evidenced by the fact that, in the span of… oh… maybe the last month, I have reorganized the layout, directory structure, and whatnot at least twice. Quite possibly 3 times. I knew I was picky, but man oh man oh man am I picky. Ah well. Maybe this time it’ll stay the way I have it set up. Wouldn’t hold your breath, of course, but you know…
    And, in somewhat more related news (okay, not really), I talked to Cheryl earlier, the friend of mine I was planning to go to the highschool reunion i ranted about at least once. First time I actually had a conversation at length with her in at least a year, as pathetic as that sounds. And, can’t very well talk to her in person because, as I’ve already bitched about, I’m poor as all hell. And unemployed. And cheap. But seeing her would be worth me overcoming my cheapness. I’m still poor and unemployed, though. So now I get to give her shit ’til she decides to get her cute ass up here instead. Yay powers of persuasion! I hope.

  • And again, I neglect this thing.

    At least in that I’m consistent. Not that there’s much of a reason for me not to… I’ve still managed to get very little actually accomplished. I was supposed to go and pick up a resume today, but that ended up not panning out. I was probably supposed to do a couple other things today, too, but you know… that just won’t happen either. Mostly because if I was, I can’t remember. Yay forgetfulness. At least I slept decently, when I slept. Now I can devote more time to staying up all night tonight. Again, yay! Hm. I just realised this post lacks actual content. Oh well.

  • What drug is your personality like?

    Your Personality Is Like Alcohol

    You’re the life of the party, a total flirt, and probably a pretty big jokester.
    Sometimes your behavior gets you in trouble, but you still remain socially acceptable.
    You’re a pretty bad driver, and you’re dancing could also use a little work!

    Flirty? Me? Hm… could happen. I could be employed, too. Oh, and… enough with the driving comments. Everyone already knows I can’t drive worth a crap. Nothing whatsoever to do with the blindness, I swear!

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