After the writers strike and the fact that that pretty much meant the end of CSI, Anne clued me into a new series that hadn’t aired yet but was coming. That of course, being uh, this one. I made mention of it before, but that was kind of before I … Read the rest
Must. See. Tonight. If I’m not awake in time to watch this show (note to self: 8:00 tonight, channel 6), someone within driving distance of me has my permission to show up at my front door wielding a shotgun. And use it. I blame Anne for introducing me to the … Read the rest
I hope not for the sake of my own sanity. Outside of the occasional sporting event (mostly hockey), and some of the older, no longer actuall in production shows (Cheers, anyone?), that’s the only actual TV I watch anymore. Everything else I either watch online, or don’t watch–most likely because … Read the rest
For those who actually don’t know me, I’m big on the whole CSI thing–just the Las Vegas version, mind you. I watch it when I can, and… in fact, it’s on my list of things to download as I’m writing. And it looks like the only way we’re gonna see … Read the rest