A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I gave Bell Canada (at the time called Sympatico) the middle finger. Their service sucked royally, every second or third month was a new conversation with the folks what lost my payments, and they just couldn’t seem to convince me … Read the rest
Here’s where I get geeky again. Sorry. Okay maybe not *sorry*, but uh… I’m something, anyway. So what did I go and break this month? Nothing that can’t be fixed with a tiny bit of vodka and a whole lot of miracle. I spent some time over at Iweb, … Read the rest
Apparently all it takes to become a knight these days is being partly responsible for Apple’s mamoth crushing of just about anything that competes with it–whether it’s deserved or not. The guy who was behind the original design of the original iPhone, iPod and iPad has officially been knighted. … Read the rest
Everything’s cool in science fiction. Cars can drive themselves, a phone without video is considered what the Nokia 6682 is in today’s cell phone market, everything electronic is also voice activated, and if you read the “In Death” series by J.D. Rob, handguns are banned except in cases where they’re … Read the rest
This site has comments by email. This site also has posts by email, should you be sadistic enough to subscribe to it–hey, a couple of you have, so it’s relevant. Or it did, until approximately 2 hours ago. You see, WordPress released a slightly newish version of their software last … Read the rest
As anyone who’s anyone on Twitter knows, just about any and every link you throw on the site now, including links to posts on this site, gets automatically wrapped in their t.co shortener–yes, even if the link’s already been shortened. They announced the rollout in June, and as of … Read the rest
Remember when rogers first started screwing around with bandwidth restrictions, then proceeded to launch their own online on-demand video service and, escentially, flipping customers off with it by not exempting it from existing bandwidth caps? Yeah, I figured you would. If not, refresh thyself. Then, read this. Clearly, it’s … Read the rest
I’ve been making a fair few changes to things on this end lately. Mostly changes aimed at preventing things from falling flat on their faces. For the past few days, though, it’s been looking mostly like things were falling all over the place anyway. It started with my finally ditching … Read the rest
I may or may not have made reference before to folks who get it in their heads that wi-fi has this issue wherein it’s exceedingly damaging in some way, shape or form. I may or may not have indicated that camp gets its ideas from the most ridiculous of sources–like, … Read the rest