At some point during the night last night, and rather inconveniently after Jessica and I had run off to bed and so I couldn’t immediately determine that it was a network issue, this blog, a rarely updated–and, in fact, rather neglected for a couple weeks–political blog, and our email among … Read the rest
A couple months ago, when they released version 2.10 of Glibc into the unstable tree for Gentoo, I thought it’d be fun to try rebuilding everything right then so that I might get what was left of the old 2.9 version off my system. Didn’t quite go as well as … Read the rest
Out of random curiosity last year, I started to tinker with Linux on a local machine–specificly, a 5-year-old HP laptop that wasn’t really being used for a whole lot else. Not really being willing to bother considering what I could manage to lose and what I might want to keep–there … Read the rest
I keep threatening to do that post about what the hell happened to me since the last time I was actively blogging (Um, LJ-ing, perhaps?). Well, consider this my attempt at doing so. I’ll warn you in advance there will probably be things that get missed–it *has* been about 4 … Read the rest
One of the things I’ve been working at trying to accomplish before the move (more on that later), and haven’t actually managed to accomplish yet, is the replacement of my old Nokia phone–specificly, the 6682. I tried once before, but the folks over at Rogers’s sales department seem to have … Read the rest
As anyone who follows my twitter feed will probably already know, last weekend went actually quite well with myself and Jessica (samari76). She arived safely on Friday, and we spent the majority of that day just hanging around the apartment, talking. she ended up being a little more … Read the rest
… Definitely not the lack of malware. At least, not anymore according to Symantec. They say they believe they’ve discovered the first ever Mac botnet. According to the article (, it’s supposedly already infected several (I think the article said thousands?) of macs, which are apparently being remotely controlled by … Read the rest
Since apparently, the folks over at Passport Canada have decided discontinuing the online application service is an awesome idea. Is it just that I’m supremely lazy to the point of it being nearly embarrassing, or does this seem like a kind of step backwards on the convenience/technological advancement part? Particularly … Read the rest
Figured I’d break away from tradition a little bit and go *less* than a week since a fairly semi-successful string of updates before starting into the next one. Now hopefully the next one isn’t a week or six after this update. All that really ended up happening since Saturday was … Read the rest
Not that a whole lot really went on since the last time I posted something that wasn’t a link, but y’know. Jessica (samari76) and I are still finding plenty of ways to have all kinds of good times over here. Tuesday it involved a tiny little sellebration here … Read the rest