Warning: this is a blindness tech related entry. You may read if you wish, or you may not. It’s here either way. KNFB is usually pretty well known within the blindness community for software, usually for your cell phone, that’s actually useable by folks who can’t see. So you’d think, … Read the rest
I haven’t been an AOL fan since ever. Mostly because everything they touch has a nasty habbit of turning to shit. Well, except for ICQ–that was already there. And now, technology blog TechCrunch has just fallen under their influence. I’m resisting the urge right now to just stop reading … Read the rest
I’ve always maintained one of my chief reasons for not buying an iPhone, aside from the walled garden that is Apple, is its lack of a physical keyboard. I’m not a fan of carrying any more than I absolutely have to–this includes such things as an extra keyboard for the … Read the rest
Remember that Wii I predicted wouldn’t get much use, on account of neither of my parents are really that much into the whole gaming scene? And, since unless you’ve achieved uber geek status, not being a gamer probably demotes the Wii from gaming system to glorified PC with a TV … Read the rest
So, remember that long ass time ago, when I brought up the fact that Canada was getting its hands on Netflix? Well, they did, and it’s not altogether entirely bad. It helps their case that Canadian customers get a month free to play around with it–something I’ll be … Read the rest
Microsoft’s been on a “let’s find reasons to kill off XP” kick since the advent of Vista, let’s just get that out in the open right now. If Vista wasn’t a hugely steaming pile of crap, they would have probably done away with XP long before now. But, it was, … Read the rest
Or, rather, it’s evil, but perhaps it’s less evil than certain alternatives out there. In this case, surprisingly, Google’s answer to Apple’s success–Android. It’s being advertised as being probably the most open system currently available, but there’s an article being floated now that tries to question that. Oddly enough, … Read the rest
In the days of Windows and only Windows, the usual routine was find a bug, hit report a problem, kick back and maybe someone would get around to eventually, if you asked really really nice and forked over a hundred, maybe possibly fixing it. If they weren’t busy sucking back … Read the rest
Unless you’ve been under a rock all afternoon, you’re probably aware already that former US Senator Ted Stevens died in a plane crash in Alaska at 86 years. Now, being that I live in the great white north, beyond the whole “series of tubes” quotation, I couldn’t tell you the … Read the rest
A couple weeks ago, I made mention to the fact Canada’s only real alternative to DSL from Ontario east was taking it to their customers again, in the cleverly sneaky form of decreasing the quality of service provided and maintaining the same pricing structure. At the time, all the … Read the rest