Category: stats

  • Popular posts (May, 2011).

    Something has gone tragically wrong. No, seriously. I’m wrapping up the month of May, which has been insane with a side order of OMG, and it’s only the 3rd of June. Have I finally knocked off this whole slacking thing, or is there perhaps some connection between this and the … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (April, 2011).

    At long last, it’s that time of the month again–wherein I go flipping back through last month’s notes and take measure of exactly what it is folks found interesting to read while life was going on on this side of the blog. We call it April’s most popular posts, as … Read the rest

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  • Popular Posts (March, 2011).

    What do you do when you have a website with a google page rank of 2, and an absolute wealth of complete mockery building up? Why, sit on it and don’t do a whole lot of anything with it, of course. Well, if you’re me, anyway. If you’re anyone else … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (February, 2011).

    It took forever and a half, but I’m finally doing the February recap I should have done in March. In April! Go me. February was, er, um, insanely insane. Busy didn’t even describe it. From getting sickly sick, to helping Jessica get moved in, to partaking in a concerting experience. … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (January, 2010).

    Last month was by no means a busy posting month on account of I was way, way, way too busy ducking several dozen different variety of curve ball. Still, I posted quite a bit, and yall found other stuff to read when I wasn’t. Here’s what you found interesting in … Read the rest

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  • 2010’s most read blog posts.


    I started this latest incarnation of the blog in late 2009 and had absolutely no idea where it’d end up going. Over a year later, I still have absolutely no idea where it’s going. But I have a thousand or so posts to show for it. Here’s what caught people’s … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (December, 2010).

    Mayhem was apparently the name of the game this month. Non-stop fun–from roommates to financial creativity to parties to significant visits. And oh yeah I think there might have been a holiday or two in there somewhere. Holiday notwithstanding, though, you folks still found something interesting over here. I’m sorry. … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (November, 2010).

    Just when you think things are about to calm down, you get tossed into a whole other realm of insanity. Things with the mother calmed down–another entry incoming, and then I go off and land a roommate. Nifty, or something. And while I was doing that, you folks were cruising … Read the rest

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  • Popular posts (October, 2010(.

    Finally, only halfway through this month, I have a chance to take a quick glance at what folks found of interest last month. It wasn’t as busy for me as this month is, but that didn’t mean a lack of the mockworthy. It did, however, mean I actually got this … Read the rest

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  • Test driving: Clicky stats engine.


    I have no problem admitting I’m a bit of a stat nut. Not so much to the point where I do this explicitly to see how many thousands of people come pouring in when I post something, but since I’m doing it, and since it’s publicly available, I might as … Read the rest

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