That sums up my experience at the reception tonight, which I should point out I left early. I could go into a detailed rant, but I don’t have the energy for it. Suffice it to say, though, when we got there, keep in mind this was like 8:00 or so, … Read the rest
Tell them no, and they see it as just another reason to go for it. And, in true little child fashion, Iran’s going ahead with all things nuclear. And we’re back to the whackjob comments… I really am running out of things to say about that country that no one … Read the rest
So says Israel to Iran. Not in words, so much, but in nuclear subs. Because, you know, “we’ll do it too” is the perfect way to stop something you don’t agree with. I mean, I don’t particularly care all that much for these nutjobs and nuclear technology either; hell, I’ve … Read the rest
And now, you have it in the form of a conservative MP by the name of Jason Kenney. A couple days ago, he was one of the ones to jump on a couple liberal party members for suggesting Hezbollah be removed from Canada’s official list of terrorist groups. And, in … Read the rest
Or maybe it’s just that the people who’re dooing the law-ing don’t have a clue. Either way, they’re suing a Brazillian office over a social networking site they run, based out of the US. I don’t follow Brazillian law, but… um.. well… usually you don’t sue a company in one … Read the rest
On second thought, no I’m not. You fucked up the Ontario school system good enough to ruin your reputation without the help of an inquiry. But, if that’s how they wanna do it, then I’ll just sit here and laugh… I mean feel sorry for you. No, never mind, I … Read the rest
Soon, if our beloved conservative crackpot government has anything to say about it, immigrants will join the millitary. *Without* Canadian citizenship. Great… so now, rather than calling tech support and getting some guy who doesn’t understand more than every fourth word you say you get millitary personnel who have about … Read the rest
My brother and his girlfriend (for the record, he ended up not going with the new one… idiot) are currently sleeping downstairs. Have been since I got up at like 6. Which means, for the past 3-4 hours, I was taking care of their dog, plus my two. Fortunately for … Read the rest
I could write an entire essay here on exactly why Iran testing surface-to-surface missiles is bad, and not just in the bad as in they’ll get yet more criticism from the US–and me, but that’s mostly because they’re whackjobs–but I’ve probably covered most of those points already here so that … Read the rest