I can play around with my guitar for 20 minutes or so, and by the time my fingers get to hurting (Yes, they still hurt after only 20 minutes–I am a wimp.) the dogs will have decided they want in. Proof I can still have something of a hobby and … Read the rest
No matter how well trained the dog, if s/he doesn’t want to come in, s/he isn’t going to come in, no matter how much quieter it would be outside without him/her barking at random neighbours, neighbours’ dogs, neighbours’ children, and passers by on the street, or any combination of the … Read the rest
I’ve slammed Bush on this thing and in person (no, not in person with him, regretfully) several dozen times. But no one does it quite like mister Wheaton. And I know he isn’t slamming Bush just for the sole purpose of slamming him, but I do have to agree wholeheartedly. … Read the rest
Completely by accident, though. But, who’d of thought the Washington Post would agree with me? I should mark that down somewhere.
For the modest price of somewhere in the neighbourhood of $4000, you too can have a cute, cuddly kitten, minus sneezing. Of course, for that price, it’d better be trained to clean its own litterbox, too.
Every second or third email sitting in my junkmail folder is advertising weight loss pills, or something of the sort. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think it was a hint… Stupid junkmail.
Apparently I got refered by the Photonic Eye, a photoblog who’s author I… uh… don’t know, and who’s blog I never even heard of until about 2 minutes ago. Ah well. If I can give a nod to people who drop me a line while they’re supposed to be pretending … Read the rest
Who’d of thunk it? Write a post about the shuttle launch on Saturday, and 2 days later, get a visit to the site by someone from NASA. Now *that* is targetted viewing, even if unintentional.