I tend to take my time doing it. Example: it’s quarter after 11 and I’m blogging. Meanwhile, there be dishes in the sink, vacuuming that needs doing, and eventually, garbage that needs to be going out. Could be an all day event at this rate. But at least I can … Read the rest
It’s sites like this that really try their best to save the american people. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t been to bed yet… but these people border on amusing. It helps that in the one I’m listening to right now from their list of podcasts at least 95% of … Read the rest
I can blame being surprisingly busy in spite of having 3 days off for this. That said, this post will not have any particular point… except perhaps that I finally got around to doing it. I finally graduated training… yay! Apparently someone thinks I’m qualified now to start taking phone … Read the rest
I’m not even home yet and I have over 200 to go through when I get there. And that’s still… about 3 hours away. Oh le cruddles.
But, since I have to be up at this insane hour anyway, I steal something from Stacie’s blog. 1. I get about 1 telemarketer phone call on a daily basis. 2. I never call anyone after 11 at night. 3. I never call anyone before 8 in the morning. 4. … Read the rest
I would just like to point out I have now managed, somehow, to cross the 500 entry plateau. There’s something to be said for having little else to do. And it only took me… about a year or so.
Pilfered shamelessly from Alyson, but primarily because I’m too goddamn lazy to actually write anything. Writing Tips 1. Do not get side-tracked. If onions are the most consumed vegetable in the world, why are fire engines red? 2. Avoid starting sentences with a non-specific pronoun. It is not a good … Read the rest
Okay, so… I can understand older people wanting to at least look younger. But when your 30 years old, or thereabouts, it *probably* isn’t a good idea to be trying to make yourself look good with your hair done up in pink elastics. At least, not to the extent where … Read the rest