From a community I’m a member of, an actual email request for support. “I Just Trnd On My Computer and It Just Wontend My To Re Lond It A gean And I Just Reand Stold It 2 Days A Go .It Dont Exspir Taol The 9-3-2008. And It haes Bean … Read the rest
I gotta give Microsoft credit. Nothing quite like reinstalling windows for 3 separate customers to make 3/4 the day go by like nobody’s business. Say, can somebody with a Dell call in to have Vista’s SP1 installed, then bitch up a fuss until they get referred specificly to me? I … Read the rest
You know why. Now to finish convincing my desktop at home to play nice with attachments.
I got to ban my first spammer. Congrats to cchristia65. … Damn, this is gonna be a slooooow morning.
Just for the record, not that it needs to be said or anything, I so don’t want to be awake right now. It’s that whole world not turning before 10 thing, and all that. I finally crashed about 12:30 or so, got up 5 hours later, so yeah, I can … Read the rest
I stole this link from silly-singer, after she finally actually got it to the point where it wasn’t all broken and such. And, and, and, it likes me! … and my music choices. And for the Canadians in the crowd, it’s Pandora on crack. And not blocked from Canada. … Read the rest
It was recently realized and recently rather amusedly giggled about that about 90% of my current flist either is, has been, or should be in therapy. One has to wonder just a little tiny bit about me. Ah well, if this is crazy I don’t ever want help.
I could have paid $1000 less for this and not had to go find XP compatible drivers for my beast of a machine currently sitting in my living room? And yet I did it the hard way anyway? … Yes, I am ubergeek. But we knew this already. ***************** Canada’s … Read the rest
So instead, you’ll just have to settle for this. Pawpower4me, I pretty immediately thought of you when I found this article. I mean yeah, a video would do you about as much good as it would me, but… hey… the thought’s there at least. Yes, it’s my lunch hour. … Read the rest
The calendar says it’s friday. James disagrees. It will not be friday until the conclusion of the work day (87 minutes, baby!). It’s supposed to be fucking gorgious this weekend. high teens, early 20’s (fahrenheit, you american wusses, relax. :P). Perfect for doing all manner of weekend style hell raising. … Read the rest