Calling the last week or so busy would probably be an insult to busy weeks everywhere, but in a lot of ways, that’s exactly what it was. After the assessment of doom, I took it easy the rest of monday and did absolutely nothing. I needed the relaxation for the … Read the rest
We felt this while out investing in things of a grocery related nature. Apparently, the center of the earthquake was about 50 KM northeast of Ottawa–in other words, right in between Ottawa and Pembroke. We didn’t feel a whole lot–kind of like the mall we were in just sort of … Read the rest
Or, as an alternate title, why I should consider sleep rather than caffeine to get me through the night. I’m noticing, though it may just be a horrible coincidince, that the more spam comments I pick up over here, the more likely I am to actually attract something vaguely resembling … Read the rest
My family has entirely too much fun on a long weekend. Particularly on a May two-four weekend. It was no different this year. Food, alcohol, music, awesome weather, and time spent in the back yard with an 8-month-old future quarterback or something. My parents put up a swing of sorts … Read the rest
I only a couple years ago learned the American version of smarties is completely different, including made by a different company, from those sold in the rest of the world. for the curious and the lazy, what the Americans call smarties, apparently we up here call rockets. They’re made … Read the rest
According to Environment Canada, current humidity level around these parts is 94 percent. No, I didn’t misread–94 freaking percent. As in, the air outside–and at the moment, inside–my apartment is nearly all moisture. If I hadn’t just yesterday set up my AC, I think I’d be cursing mother nature right … Read the rest
May 25th, also known as what there is left of today, is considered geek pride day. According to Wikipedia, it means: 1. The right to be even geekier. 2. The right to not leave your house. 3. The right to not like football or any other sport. 4. The … Read the rest
I just got off the phone with a nice young lady who apparently was under the mistaken impression this was not actually my apartment. The conversation went something like this. Lady: I need to speak to Simon, please. Me: I’m sorry, who? Lady: Simon. Me: I’m sorry, you’ve got the … Read the rest
There’s an advertisement being floated by my ISP, Teksavvy, that’s made it on to Youtube. Apparently, it’s also being shown on TV in some places–though personally, I hadn’t seen it until today. If it’s indeed an actual ad for the service, it’d be the first one I’ve seen from … Read the rest
I haven’t been keeping up on my usual sources of entertainment this week, primarily on account of having catching up to do in other areas. I kick myself for it now. In list format, because I can, things I could have, and should have, soundly mocked this week. You may … Read the rest