I’ve fallen deathly in love with a team seemingly incapable of actually producing consistent victories. I acknowledge this almost daily. And yet, on hockey night, almost without exception, anyone who knows me knows exactly where to find me. I’ve been called sadistic, desperate, and just plain foolish–all of which are … Read the rest
We’ve been getting snow, recovering from getting snow, and been forecasted to get even more snow all week. And probably parts of the weekend too, but I haven’t been brave enough to look. So this, yanked shamelessly off Caroline‘s blog, couldn’t be better timed. Thanks, Caroline. Oh, and by … Read the rest
I’ve been dealing with intentional and unintentional breaky smashing of at least two Linux operating systems for the past week and a bit. Including some pretty screwy oopses on the equipment I don’t actually own front. I’ve thought this several times, but Google actually spoke it. Dec 7 5:47pm: motherfucking … Read the rest
Countless hours spent over here not doing much on account of waiting for results to come flying at my face have lead me to discover all manner of useless trivia, thanks largely to local media and my tendancy to lerk on the internet. From the things we don’t care about … Read the rest
This was forwarded to me in the hopes I might have a rant brewing. Truthfully, if I was desperate, I probably could. Sadly, I’m laughing too hard. I don’t usually bother with chain letters–of which this is one, just for the record–but, well, the mockworthy. It’s all over the place. … Read the rest
If you live in Ottawa or the valley, you’ve seen craptastical weather. Below freezing, and there’s crap of various types falling from the sky–some of it, from what I’ve been hearing, coming down white. For the record, no, winter didn’t start a month early–though some days, you may wonder. This … Read the rest
This is kinda nifty. Scientists apparently may have just found a way to contain antimatter. For the trekkies among the readership, you already get the references. For everyone else, have this as an explanation. “This is science fiction become science fact,” he said in an interview Wednesday. Antimatter is one … Read the rest
Clearly, people weren’t the first to be named after states/provinces. I probably should have known this already, but I’m a little slow on things like this. Fortunately, I have statistics sites and google skills to make up for it. There is actually a Mexican state named Chihuahua. One of last … Read the rest
I think it has a little bit to do with the fact Jessica’s going through her own collection of blogs and whatnot she regularly reads, but I’ve been in a mood for a healthy dose of bacon and eggs. We have a couple local restaurants that do a damn good … Read the rest
Leave it to a spammer to be sort of halfway to clever. And all the way to just plain, er, dumb. From: MR.JOHN [online250731@telkomsa.net] Sent: Sun 03/10/2010 11:32 AM To: undisclosed-recipients: I have a very good information to pass over to you contact me as soon as possible with the … Read the rest