According to information recently released, Canada’s politicians spent over $600000 on booze over the last 4 years. Surprisingly, or perhaps not so, most of the booze money went to our very own department of national defense. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. I dunno about you, but … Read the rest
Statistics Canada’s been saying we’ve reached the end of the recovery line since mid-2010. And yeah, we have. Except for that part where we really haven’t. Canada hasn’t recouped all the jobs lost during the recession after all, Statistics Canada said Friday in a blow to the federal government’s … Read the rest
So Ontario’s premier finally gets that his environmentally friendly initiatives re: hydro are very slowly and very painfully breaking the bank. In response, he’s decided to offer us a generous 10% rebate on our hydro bills, starting in the new year. Just ignore the 46% increase over the course of … Read the rest
In 2009, I had a very short, two email long conversation with Ottawa councillor Clive Doucet during the OC Transpo strike. The exchange quite literally consisted of one email in each direction. And the email coming from his direction pretty much told me and my valid–and not disputed–criticisms of the … Read the rest
When it’s brought to your attention that your office is somewhat less than accessible, particularly when you happen to be the member of parliament in charge of things to do with people with disabilities, the appropriate response would be to: A: Appologise and work towards fixing it where possible, such … Read the rest
Hey, guys? File sharing is legal in Canada. Please to not be saying otherwise in your c-32 debate. Thanks.
According to certain fragments of the US political system, Canada’s little more than a terrorist haven. The latest spokesperson of that line of thinking? Nevada senate candidate Sharron Angle. According to this lovely ray of sunshine, the border shared between the US and Canada is the most porous border America … Read the rest
This one, surprise surprise, over a contract to renovate a section of Parliament Hill. The contract which started, and had problems, before the current minister in charge was actually, you know, in charge. And yet, because it’s had problems from day 1, and because he had the unmitigated gall to … Read the rest
And, surprise surprise, it reminds me why it is I wouldn’t lose too much sleep over not getting out to vote next week. In list format, because I’m lazy. Andrew Hayden: spending most of the debate picking at the other candidates, and interjecting his 0.5 cents where it’s not welcome–like, … Read the rest
If I hear one more politician standing up in the House of Commons and say “let me be very/perfectly clear”, before entering into a 5-minute restatement of the exact same answer I heard to a question 24 hours ago, I’m going to pretend we don’t have elections in Canada. Hear … Read the rest