So apparently just after midnight last night, the Montreal area discovered an earthquake. I say apparently, because unlike, oh we’ll say, this one, we felt absolutely nothing. And, well, considering we’re on the freakin’ 6th floor, you’d think we would. It was apparently a 4.5 on the scale. Are … Read the rest
People say the most absolutely randomest of things. Usually at the most oddly weird of times. For anyone who actually knows us, May has a guidedog. Had one for years. Long before she’s met me. I’ve never had one. Haven’t figured I wanted/needed one. what I do has worked since, … Read the rest
The following is a cross-post from the Awesome Wonky Lynx. Click over to her site for more, and potentially related. Or not. whichever. Looking to adopt an animal? Want to add a new four legged friend to your household and thinking the SPCA is the best way to go?… Read the rest
Because of, uh, the nature of me, occasionally taking cabs is kind of a fact of life. Particularly when talking about not knowing exactly where you’re going after you, for instance, get yourself off the bus and pick a random direction. So to avoid a migraine, it’s taxi time. May … Read the rest
So remember wayyyyyy back when, when we were tossing around the idea of bringing a double A team to Ottawa? Yeah, that one. Guess where it’s not going? We were flirting with a Jays minor team. Were. right up until they extended their current contract. It’ll be at least … Read the rest
Nevermind that what they’re competing for is second place on the “most expensive city to rent” list. We can actually compete! Toronto still has the upper hand on us so far (we’re number 3), but we’ll handle those bastards. Just like Ottawa’s hockey team handled Toronto–oh wait. Nevermind. … Read the rest
A transit strike, and several moron drivers later, the city finally decided maybe the folks they have in place, or perhaps the system itself, just isn’t quite performing as advertised. repeatedly. And the same old story from the guy they had in charge of it previously was only managing to … Read the rest
Up until either 2009 or 2010, Ottawa had a minor league baseball team here called the Lynx. They relocated recently, around the same time the Montreal Expos packed up their toys and shuffled off to Washington. You didn’t hear much from that team usually, unless you were 1: watching Ottawa’s … Read the rest
For at least the last few years, even in the private sector Ottawa’s favourite word has been bilingual. And no, sadly, they don’t mean *our* bilingual (*), as much as myself and Shane would really, really love it if they did. Escentially, it means two things. By law, it means … Read the rest
A bit over a month ago, SMART Technology up and decided to close things down and lay a bunch of people off. I’ve been there–it sucks, to put it mildly. The way this economy’s going, it sucks twice. But, they don’t join the long list of former employees receiving help … Read the rest