I made the stupid mistake back in December of showing up to work when I had plenty of warning about a “significant” snow storm that later turned out to be hell, blanketed in white crap. This morning, Environment Canada has released a statement about two potential major storms, one from … Read the rest
Between work, Christmas shopping, and the general insanity that is my life around about this time every year, not surprisingly I’ve managed a grand total of like 2.5 attempts at entries on this here blog in this here month. I finished my shopping for Christmas about a week or so … Read the rest
Well, actually, over that now. Over that by… about a week. Which means I’ve almost had internet access from Ottawa for a year. I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d keep my relatively little sanity when I shoved my almost life into boxes and got the hell out of Pembroke.… Read the rest
Well, I do have to say–regardless to what I actually thought about last night’s parade, it was still significantly better than last year’s Pembroke equivalent. That, of course, in the sense that the child we’re forced to affectionately call my brother’s fiance was, in fact, not present at this one. … Read the rest