Category: Ottawa

  • Ug.

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    I did in fact make it to work this morning. It was in fact trying very hard to be cold outside. Fortunately, according to me anyway, it failed miserably. However, it’s supposed to be below freezing… I believe tonight. *le sigh* I was just looking forward to summer, too. On … Read the rest

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  • So let me get this kinda half-straight.

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    On Wednesday, the last day of April, also known as the last possible day this lazy as hell Canadian fool can submit his income tax, well into what’s supposed to be our spring, they’re calling for snow? Am I the only one who sees a problem with this…? Edit: And … Read the rest

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  • I do believe we have our first attempt at a thunder storm.


    And me being able to spend the evening at home to actually enjoy it. something I couldn’t do a whole lot of last year. Awesome. If I had to pick something I enjoy about summer up here, I do believe this would be about it. Well, that and baseball, but … Read the rest

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  • And that’s how to kill a weekend.

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    So after futzing around most of yesterday doing absolutely nothing (I’ve become rather good at that, you see), I ended up bothering almadefortitude for a bit before hooking up with murlynns_view and her husband and doing some movie watching at their place. the rest of that evening was movie, beer, … Read the rest

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  • And I can almost be ready for another work week.

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    I can quite safely say I had absolutely nothing planned for the weekend. Nothing new–I never make plans. Bad for my health. So murlynns_view calls me at the crack of 1:30 (or was it closer to 2?) and suggests we start walking and meet halfway between our respective houses. Long … Read the rest

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  • Uh, why?


    Can someone with a clue maybe possibly kinda sorta explain this to me? One football team gets shut down, another tries to come in and promptly folds, and they’re talking about bringing a third in? Now, admitedly I’m not exactly interested in football in general, but I still have to … Read the rest

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  • International woops day, perhaps?

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    Idiots a-plenty. And as I’ve often maintained, they will systematically be eliminated from the gene pool. Idiot number 1: New York City pimpinator. Bad idea: being caught in the middle of a prostitution ring with topic of things like, you know, elections in the wind. On behalf of Canadians everywhere, … Read the rest

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  • Should this amuse me half as much as it does?

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    ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE IN THE UPPER OTTAWA VALLEY AND NORTHUMBERLAND HAVE RESORTED TO SNOWMOBILES FOR TRANSPORTATION. It’s official. We have way, way, way too much snow around here. Someone south of the border should just come on over and nab half of it. I wouldn’t complain.

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  • I didn’t want to see spring until August anyway.

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    We got hammered good with a freezing rain storm on Monday. We got absolutely dumped by snow on Wednesday. Upwards of 30 CM in town, here. And we’re expecting a crapload more over the next day or so. A STORM IS CURRENTLY OVER WEST VIRGINIA THIS MORNING AND WILL PUSH… Read the rest

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  • I think winter’s getting to someone…


    A few months back, they started making it mandatory in Ottawa that the bus drivers call out the stops as they come to them. Most of them do so, and the others probably won’t be working there for very long. The driver I was stuck with this morning though, oh … Read the rest

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