Category: oops

  • I give you, the latest AOL marketting inovation!


    But not really. It would appear, however accidentally, everyone’s favourite ISP has proven why it is they’re loved completely and totally to death. In an act of unrivaled brilliance, they’ve released some rather… critical user information. While search queries *usually* aren’t anything to be worried about, you ever done a … Read the rest

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  • I just realised.


    In setting up my RSS feeds for this thing, I neglected a comments feed. Wopsydoodles. Ah well, problem solved. I love modern easy to write and easy to screw up technology.

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  • The stuff you by on Ebay amazes me.


    And now, thanks to one particularly creative individual, Ebay is becoming the auction center for selling access to a DIGG account. I dunno why people won’t just create their own accounts, but apparently, someone would rather sell one. $5 says that account won’t work when it’s bought. But someone gets … Read the rest

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  • Not how I wanted to spend a friday…

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    I haven’t exactly gotten all that much sleep, at least as yet. But that’s perfectly fine… I haven’t had time to think about it yet. I’d planned to go to bed about 2:30 this morning, but by 2:25 I got hit with… something. I don’t know if it was a … Read the rest

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  • The voices made me do it!

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    So, earlier today (that would be yesterday) I made brief mention, and bitched a fit at the same time, about our friend Andrea and her non-conviction that’s a load of crap. And now, she’s choosing to maintain that, in true 1960’s/70’s bad movie style, “the voices” made her do it. … Read the rest

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  • That was all sorts of unfun.

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    Shortly after my last post to this here thing yesterday, we decided to lose power–thank you, thunder storms. Originally it started alternating between going out, and staying on… with the occasional blink/flicker thing in between. Then it just died for good, and stayed dead for over 24 hours. Not good … Read the rest

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  • The computer guy strikes again.


    And in true idiotic fashion, my brother decided it’d be fun to start downloading music and such without a virus scanner. Oh, sure, Limewire’s got a virus scanner built in… but does it do a thing for spyware? Or viruses that *don’t* come in through Limewire? Nope… sorry. So, the … Read the rest

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  • One waste of a Friday night, coming up!

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    So, we decided to go to a party last night for some person’s wedding that I’ve never even heard of, never mind actually met, and it turned out to be more of a rehearsal for the reception than anything else. The music sucked muchly, there were speeches of all sorts … Read the rest

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  • Well, that was a waste of an upgrade.

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    So, anyone who pays attention to half the crap I put here knows I’m blind, and use a screenreader. Specificly, this screenreader. Well, it just so happens that today they released a new version of said screenreader, and that one has more holes in it than your average program designed … Read the rest

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  • Webhosty upgrades…


    So apparently, the webhost I’m with (see the bottom of the page) is upgrading their database servers to the latest OS, as of… about… 6 minutes ago. Gee, I hope mine wasn’t the first to go down, because they just sent out the notice for it 4 minutes ago and … Read the rest

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