Category: oops

  • Golden rule of politics: keep your big mouth shut.

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    And this is why I won’t join any particular political party. Offering opinions on a weblog, which as just about anyone knows I do quite frequently, could stand to get you the boot. Hm, a politician grows some balls and he’s no longer *really* a politician. Too bad, really. It … Read the rest

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  • Sometimes, you just have to do it to know it’s a bad idea.

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    I should complain about there being nothing particularly blog worthy coming from the morons in newsland more often. People go and pull crap like this then. I dunno. Maybe I’m just uber odd for thinking it, but tongue piercing just begs for all kinds of problems. Why people even bother … Read the rest

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  • It should not *be* that cold yet!

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    It’s only October 16th. So why, then, am I going outside and nearly losing the feeling in my fingers? Blarg… winter’s coming too early! I miss the 30 degrees…

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  • When you think of losing someone, you generally don’t think of it happening in the mail.

    Unfortunately, as amusing as it is for me, I’d imagine the Ontario family it happened to is outright pissed. A funeral scheduled for this weekend had to be postponed, because the mother it was for was going to be a little late. And I thought my great uncle was the … Read the rest

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  • Oh my.

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    When they say a political campaign should catch the attention of the voters, I’m… quite sure they didn’t think someone would actually take it at skin value. But, I was told once the spanish do have a tendency to take things very… uh, literally. Hey, the public and even the … Read the rest

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  • This should not amuse me as much as it does.


    In fact, I should probably be a little frightened. Two of the seven currently recorded searches for this month that lead people here are merijuana, and medical merijuana. I blame it all on this entry. But at least it’s not, you know, death to america or something. Apparently the government … Read the rest

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  • Some people just won’t take yes for an answer.


    And instead, will take their daughter to another state under the pretense of a shopping trip in order for her to miss the wedding they already objected to. So now, they lose twice; the daughter gets married, and they get charged with kidnapping. And they all lived happily ever after. … Read the rest

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  • Well, it would seem I was right.


    Completely by accident, though. But, who’d of thought the Washington Post would agree with me? I should mark that down somewhere.

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  • I’m too easily amused.


    My brother just tried to make himself look and sound pathetic in an attempt to get my mom, who was heading to the grocery store, to swing by here first so he can grab his smokes out of the car. Perhaps this is just me taking some sort of cruel … Read the rest

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  • When they say don’t try this at home, they mean it.


    And this is exactly why. Note to stupid teenagers everywhere: you are not that good in real life. If you try to reenact a scene from your favourite computer game, you are going to get your ass kicked. Particularly if you openly advertise it by way of a tattoo. It’s … Read the rest

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