Surprise. If you work more, you’ll spend less time with your family. Apparently, Statistics Canada is just finding that out now. And of course, now it’s headline news. Sorry folks, but I coulda told you that and I’ve only actually had a job for 2 months. It’s not a 9-5 … Read the rest
Okay, so… I can understand older people wanting to at least look younger. But when your 30 years old, or thereabouts, it *probably* isn’t a good idea to be trying to make yourself look good with your hair done up in pink elastics. At least, not to the extent where … Read the rest
Of course, he’s still more than welcome to give it a try, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t expect it to do much, except maybe put the PR man’s reputation at risk. Although, I do like this comment. He’s Jewish. He’s not anti-Semitic at all. Yes, because Gewish folks … Read the rest
I don’t think I’ve actually seen a preview for Borat yet, but so far, between an internet cellebrity suing because he thinks the plot was stolen from him and a couple frat boys deciding to anonymously sue because of an apparent drunken appearance they made in the movie, it almost … Read the rest