Category: oops

  • The media’s stating the obvious yet again.


    Surprise. If you work more, you’ll spend less time with your family. Apparently, Statistics Canada is just finding that out now. And of course, now it’s headline news. Sorry folks, but I coulda told you that and I’ve only actually had a job for 2 months. It’s not a 9-5 … Read the rest

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  • I knew working at Dell would be bad for me.

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    Tonight went well enough that I 1: had lots of free time during my shift, 2: got off my shift on time for a change, and 3: had time to kill afterwards while waiting for people to get done so a rather large group of us could get a ride … Read the rest

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  • I’d be insulted too, but for a different reason.


    A fast food group is up in arms about Kevin Federline’s participating in an ad campaign for an insurance company, playing the part of a fast food worker day dreaming about starring in a music video. Now, I can understand how it is they could perhaps see that as being … Read the rest

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  • Oh my freaking cold…

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    -21 degrees out there right now, according to the weather network. I tend not to question the weather network all that much when it gets to be that extreme. Even if they’re off by a couple degrees… freaking cold is still freaking cold. And I have to walk in that! … Read the rest

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  • Apparently I have a house guest.

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    It would seem, for the next 6 weeks or so starting tonight, my apartment will again become a crash pad. This time, though, at least it’s for a decent reason–my uncle’s taking a course and, to be nice about it, there’s no way in hell he’s driving 1.5 hours here … Read the rest

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  • I’ve caught up to my schedule!


    Proof that I can be ready and out the door in an hour or less. I ended up getting mobile by about 4:30, and after discovering I actually won’t be able to take what I’d originally planned for lunch (those little soup thermases are awesome, but small), I was surprisingly … Read the rest

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  • Does somebody maybe kinda wanna tell me why?

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    Okay, so… I can understand older people wanting to at least look younger. But when your 30 years old, or thereabouts, it *probably* isn’t a good idea to be trying to make yourself look good with your hair done up in pink elastics. At least, not to the extent where … Read the rest

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  • I don’t think a PR man will help you, Michael.

    Of course, he’s still more than welcome to give it a try, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t expect it to do much, except maybe put the PR man’s reputation at risk. Although, I do like this comment. He’s Jewish. He’s not anti-Semitic at all. Yes, because Gewish folks … Read the rest

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  • The headlines are doing better than the previews!

    I don’t think I’ve actually seen a preview for Borat yet, but so far, between an internet cellebrity suing because he thinks the plot was stolen from him and a couple frat boys deciding to anonymously sue because of an apparent drunken appearance they made in the movie, it almost … Read the rest

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  • Whole new meaning to public discipline.


    India is a fine example of where judgement by one’s peers goes a lot further than the legal system. Police wouldn’t arrest a man for raping his neighbour, who was deaf and mute, because she couldn’t actually make a case against him. They claimed to be still investigating on their … Read the rest

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