I’m a little tiny bit more human than I was earlier today, so as a free something type thing, have a thing. There’s a whole crap ton of other shtuff that still has yet to post–it’s coming, promise–and more still I get to add to it, but this should see … Read the rest
Remember when I used to have a blog? Yeah, that blog. Remember when it used to be updated semi-regularly? That was a tiny bit before life decided, hey James? Have a punch in the face. It’s been fun, to say nothing of insane. But, now that things have started calming … Read the rest
This is what happens when life takes off at full speed. The blog tends to sit over here and do several different kinds of collecting dust. Newyears resolution: correct this malfunction, immediately. Thinga have been happening in wicked fast pace here, which naturally means I haven’t actually been even keeping … Read the rest
They don’t post a whole lot over there these days, but Shane and Krista usually have something semi-useful to say. Or to copy/paste from someone else who said it already. That’s the case with this post, which goes into detail on something I think any serious relationship is going to … Read the rest
On this side of the border, it’s thanks giving weekend. In this house, that roughly translates to way too much food all at once, being way too full to do much more than fall over where you sit and optionally stay conscious, and having way too much fun doing it. … Read the rest
A bit over a month ago, SMART Technology up and decided to close things down and lay a bunch of people off. I’ve been there–it sucks, to put it mildly. The way this economy’s going, it sucks twice. But, they don’t join the long list of former employees receiving help … Read the rest
I’ve been seeing over the last few weeks reports on the formation of protest groups known as Occupy $city, where $city is Wall Street, Toronto, Austin etc. So far, I’ve heard a different reason every time a member of one of these groups is interviewed–some are protesting capitalism, some are … Read the rest
So yesterday, partially inspired by a conversation I had with Trish and Roger over the weekend, I explained–not for the first time–in detail why it is this provincial election thing just isn’t doing it for me. And why the federal election–only a few months ago, for the record–did only … Read the rest
So. I’ve once again gone and not done this kinda thing in at least a month. You’d think I’d learn to stop that, after 2009, but well–yeah, you know. Where to start and not come off like I haven’t a clue. Well, okay, like I haven’t any less of a … Read the rest
Random walks that result in much picture taking. And the accompanying road trip. Life is good. Cheering up Trish? Much better.