Category: musings

  • Well, Bloglines is getting somewhere.

    Already it’s winning my favour away from the other site.. it can handle sites better than the other, and a few sites that wouldn’t read, this one can… so I’m thinking… *grins*

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  • Because I like to try new things.

    So I’m doing that whole seeing how this Bloglines thing works out. It’s so far fairly good, and… potentially? a lot more reliable than, though that still remains to be seen. IT doesn’t email you the new feed updates like the latter site does, but there’s a small program … Read the rest

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  • I love it when people finally agree with me.


    I’m due for a round of Shadow Siege bashing. But I don’t even have to do the bashing… someone already did it for me. I’ll stick to Eternal Struggle when I can actually get to RPing, thankya much.

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  • I have really got to stop doing that.

    It’s bad enough I have this odd tendancy to end up not sleeping at all kinds of odd hours… like 3:30 this morning. I should also try to remember, though, that it’s a bad time to be dinking around with the site, too… even if it is uber fun. I … Read the rest

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  • Let me turn on the part of my brain that gives a damn.

    The perfect bumper sticker for me. Now all I need is a bumper to stick it on. This is also my general train of thought with 99.9% of local cry babies. Because they irritate and amuse me. But mostly irritate.

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  • Yay for other people taking over!

    Those other people, of course, being the dog’s actual owners… finally! So, I actually had time to get crapola done tonight. Freakin’ amazing, that. As much as I can tolerate that dog, and as much as I like the idea of taking care of puppies, I already did that once … Read the rest

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  • Because it’s way past time.

    , , ,

    I’m seriously entertaining the idea of getting back into regularly playing the piano, and even taking lessons again just as a way to distract me for an hour or so, not counting practice time of course. I used to do it almost religiously, then reality popped up and decided I … Read the rest

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  • Trillian’s about to get cut out.


    Call it a response to programs kinda sorta like Jabber and Trillian if you’re so inclined; I’ll just call it about goddamn time. Microsoft and Yahoo are, apparently, working on a kind of IM partnership. MSN (Windows Live, now, I guess?) Messenger and Yahoo Messenger users will be able to … Read the rest

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  • How to accomplish nothing in 2 relatively stress free hours.

    We decided completely at random to kill a couple hours at the mall–which, for me in itself is almost miraculous, given I hate malls unless I’m going there with a purpose in mind. But, it was out of the house, which is always a good thing. So we went there … Read the rest

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  • My logic frightens me.

    An example: I should be sleeping now, but I can’t. So rather than try, I’m consuming generous amounts of caffeine. Why? *shrugs* I can. Maybe by 6 I’ll be awake enough to do something semi-productive, and by noon I’ll actually be doing it. That’s being incredibly optimistic, though, given my … Read the rest

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