Category: musings

  • Now there’s a way to get your kids to take their medicine.

    Who’d of thunk it. Apparently, sticking Pepto Bismol in ice cream makes it go down easier. Gee, if they got ideas like that when I was growing up I might not have learned to prefer to wait out whatever it was that was making me sick. What am I saying.. … Read the rest

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  • It isn’t even that day yet…


    … and I’m nervous as hell. I dunno if it’s the prospect of the job, or of possibly moving out, but… yeah, I’m a little bit jittery. And the job I’m being interviewed for hasn’t even gotten to the “you might be hired” phase yet. I dunno what’s more pronounced, … Read the rest

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  • Now this is surprising.


    I usually don’t like posting things from sites like Slashdot, but in this case, I’ll make an acception or few because it gives me an excuse to bash Microsoft. Not that they need me to add to the pile of MS bashers, but you know… and people wouldn’t be looking … Read the rest

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  • National leadership qualification: must be a whackjob.

    As if we needed further proof of this, all one need do is take a look at the latest thing to come out of Iran. Long story short, ‘foreign’ (meaning western cultural) words are now officially being banned from use in that country. Maybe it’s just me, but there’s something … Read the rest

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  • Not how I wanted to spend a friday…

    , , , ,

    I haven’t exactly gotten all that much sleep, at least as yet. But that’s perfectly fine… I haven’t had time to think about it yet. I’d planned to go to bed about 2:30 this morning, but by 2:25 I got hit with… something. I don’t know if it was a … Read the rest

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  • Finally!

    Just when I thought I was about to be overwhelmed by morons with little backbone, no IQ, and the personality of a piece of crap, I get the occasional nice little reminder that there are, surprisingly enough, still people out there I *don’t* want to beat repeatedly with heavy, blunt … Read the rest

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  • Decision made; RSSFWD loses.

    After Bloglines registered updates to my chosen feeds upwards of 9 hours before RSSFWD, my decision is an easy one. Buh bye RSSFWD. I’ll miss ya. But, you know, greener pastures and the such. The comparison be done… and now, back to your regularly scheduled randomly posted crap from me.

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  • Saddam would like to be shot.

    Something about that amuses me. Oh, yeah… my theory that stupid assholes who’re full of themselves to the point of delusions should be shot. Which is exactly what master Hussein wants. I say, if the man wants a bullet in the brain, then give the man a bullet in the … Read the rest

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  • Lazyness prevales.

    Today is yet another day of doing absolutely nothing. Which is perfect for the guy who’s in the mood to do absolutely nothing. So, watching TV and consuming generous amounts of coke (no, not the snorting kind) is the order of the day. Oh, the awesomeness of it all. Maybe … Read the rest

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  • Well, it’s a little slow, but…

    Bloglines eventually does actually get the updates from certain sites. Specificly, mine. Now, let’s just see how long it lasts. Overall, though… I think it might be an interesting little site to work with. At least until something better comes along.

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