This is kinda nifty. Scientists apparently may have just found a way to contain antimatter. For the trekkies among the readership, you already get the references. For everyone else, have this as an explanation. “This is science fiction become science fact,” he said in an interview Wednesday. Antimatter is one … Read the rest
Every so often, something will come along that threatens to kill email. And nearly as often, that ends up dying instead. And now, as of yesterday, Facebook has its own answer to email–and it’s even being advertised as something to give Gmail, Microsoft etc a run for their money. Before … Read the rest
Sadly, Microsoft doesn’t see the user account control system as a bug. Sigh. Still, having done tech support for Vista, and then set up and rather extensively either used or seen used the system afterwards, if that’s the only thing I have to complain about–and so far, it is–it can’t … Read the rest
The last time I looked, I swear, it was just coming up on the end of October. I seem to have misplaced the first half of the month of November. Between halloween festivities, technical issues, medical issues and the back and forth and several other directions all of the above … Read the rest
We had the awesomest of awesome starts. 4 and 0. First in the division. Hanging around top of the conference. Then we imploded. Fell apart for 3, pulled ourselves together for 1, and back to imploding for 6. Oh yeah, and losing a product of probably last year’s biggest trade … Read the rest
Remember when the iPad first came out, and there was all this talk of it escentially being the future of personal computers? Ever since then, and even before then, I’ve maintained a theory that a lot of what you’d see on the iPhone would find its way onto the Mac … Read the rest
I think it has a little bit to do with the fact Jessica’s going through her own collection of blogs and whatnot she regularly reads, but I’ve been in a mood for a healthy dose of bacon and eggs. We have a couple local restaurants that do a damn good … Read the rest
Okay, so escentially since Friday life’s been kind of non-stop. But I’ve been meaning to start this update before then, so we’ll get to that in a minute. I had a meeting with the ODSP person who’s heading up the purchasing of a copy of the screenreader I’ll be using … Read the rest
I have no problem admitting I’m a bit of a stat nut. Not so much to the point where I do this explicitly to see how many thousands of people come pouring in when I post something, but since I’m doing it, and since it’s publicly available, I might as … Read the rest
Okay, so maybe he’s not. I don’t really know. But over the last month or so, he’s pretty much exploded–in the form of a team record piercing home run performance. And you know someone’s gonna ask the question in the offseason if they haven’t already. They asked it of Barry … Read the rest