That didn’t take long. After just over a year of actual, constant usage, the router I ended up finally putting in service last February took that very short drive off the performance cliff. Or perhaps it was a long-ish one I just didn’t really pay attention to. The problem itself … Read the rest
The parental units have found themselves with dogs for as long as I can remember. They’ve got two of them now–yeah, okay, so one’s mine, oh well. They’ve taken off for the weekend to do whatever they do when they take off for the weekend, and left me to keep … Read the rest
I’ve beaten the whole piracy issue to death on this and many other blogs over and over and over again. And when I got bored, I did it a little more. I’ve written on here about other people and/or corporate entities dealing directly with the record labels up here … Read the rest
Last year, I largely ignored the existence of Earth Hour. By largely, I mean entirely. this year, I didn’t even know Earth Hour was even coming up. Can we call that ignorance on account of obliviousness? Sure, why not? In Edmonton, they did it one better–whereas it’s the politically correct … Read the rest
Ever since about October 2010, there’s been one major earthquake after another with the occasional minor one thrown in to spice things up. Japan itself was the not so proud recipient of two of them. I’m officially dubbing this the year of the earthquake. And, in very slightly related news, … Read the rest
Apparently, March is the month of moves and potential moves. Back in January, I was looking at the possibility of returning to Canada and right away diving into a move of my own. At the same time, Jessica has been building up to her own move. Mine fell through, but … Read the rest
Okay. So. While I was out having fun last night, the Leafs related internet virtually blew up all over the place. We traded Chris Versteeg yesterday for a first rounder, a third rounder, and some guy who’s name escapes me at the moment. We know what to do with the … Read the rest
Part of my reasoning behind showing up in Rochester for a month, particularly this month, is the opportunity to do exactly what’s currently being done today. Sure, we don’t need a particular day to do it, but well, it’s here and we’re doing it, so draw thine own conclusions. I … Read the rest
The piracy is evil camp’s been producing study after study the last couple months in an attempt to reinforce the idea that the world’s just chock full of evil no-good baddies with laptops and external hard drives out to find an out of the way network from which to download … Read the rest
So yesterday was the epic get-together of win. A dozen of us crammed into one of the local restaurants and pretty much had a table or two entirely to ourselves, and an epic server of awesome to boot. Why? Simply because we could. There was me, Jessica, Heather and … Read the rest