Category: Microsoft

  • James 3, Microsoft 0.

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    And all because of a little CD HP didn’t send me. Round 1, external HD goes on the blink. Or so I thought. Turns out Windows just decided it suddenly didn’t know what it was. Well, after getting frustrated with that, I decided to go right on ahead and start … Read the rest

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  • Happy June! ‘N such.

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    This is what happens when I can’t come up with a more creative title. But… who’s counting? Ordinarily I’d be up to my eyeballs in calls… but… thank the gods for system outages, now it’s “we’re updating, call back tomorrow”. And I get paid to just sit here and be … Read the rest

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  • Because I know someone from Microsoft reads this.


    New definition of ‘legal battle’, and like everything that’s trying to be redefined lately, Microsoft’s right in the middle of it. Everyone’s already heard about the suing spree Microsoft’s going on so far as piracy charges and such goes. Good luck with that, by the way, Billy. And, speaking of … Read the rest

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  • Gotta love microsoft’s priorities.

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    It takes them forever to release a security update, or a fix so something like the MS blaster worm stops actually affecting people, but you go and break their DRM features, intentionally or otherwise, then watch what happens. And that, folks, is why I wish I could use linux. At … Read the rest

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  • I’m not the only one…


    Who believes Microsoft is actually a spyware company. Who’d of thunk it?

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  • Now this is surprising.


    I usually don’t like posting things from sites like Slashdot, but in this case, I’ll make an acception or few because it gives me an excuse to bash Microsoft. Not that they need me to add to the pile of MS bashers, but you know… and people wouldn’t be looking … Read the rest

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  • Trillian’s about to get cut out.


    Call it a response to programs kinda sorta like Jabber and Trillian if you’re so inclined; I’ll just call it about goddamn time. Microsoft and Yahoo are, apparently, working on a kind of IM partnership. MSN (Windows Live, now, I guess?) Messenger and Yahoo Messenger users will be able to … Read the rest

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