Windows’s ever famous (or, if you’d prefer, infamous) blue screen of death (BSOD). Cryptic, irritating, and generally all manner of useless–even if you happen to be a technical person with a degree of somewhat impressive Google foo. Basically, a BSOD is a bad time. But with Microsoft apparently getting into … Read the rest
Sadly, Microsoft doesn’t see the user account control system as a bug. Sigh. Still, having done tech support for Vista, and then set up and rather extensively either used or seen used the system afterwards, if that’s the only thing I have to complain about–and so far, it is–it can’t … Read the rest
Microsoft’s been on a “let’s find reasons to kill off XP” kick since the advent of Vista, let’s just get that out in the open right now. If Vista wasn’t a hugely steaming pile of crap, they would have probably done away with XP long before now. But, it was, … Read the rest
From a thread regarding a speech-friendly installer for another Linux distro: There’s definitely interest. I’d even learn the process for doing that for the sole purpose of contributing. Thanks for looking into it, William. —–Original Message—– From: [] On Behalf Of William Hubbs Sent: March 14, 2009 10:29 PM… Read the rest
Things broke like there was no tomorrow when Vista first showed up last year. And now, Microsoft’s coming out with its first service pack for said piece of royal crapola. Now taking bets on just how sideways that one’s gonna go.
Well, actually, I despise Microsoft. But Office 2007 for specific reasons. Primarily, it should not take me, who knows his way pretty much around Office products for the most part like the back of my hand, an hour and a half to figure out where the hell they put this … Read the rest
Proof that, after finding pieces of wireless card that have gone mysteriously astray, and after repeated phone calls to Dell techs in a rather mislead attempt to get a straight answer out of said Dell techs, I am still the master of all–well, okay, most–things Microsoft. Except Vista, which I … Read the rest