Category: maple leafs

  • I missed this one for a Santa Clause parade.

    But more on the parade later. First, the shocker. We didn’t suck. Against Ottawa. Also known as currently the best team in the NHL, and currently the team that’s been killing us for the past couple seasons. I know, one win does not a recovery make, but it’s still nice … Read the rest

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  • And that’s why I didn’t turn the game on.

    Rant about this morning’s hella cold to come later. But first, I slept through this, and I don’t regret it–apparently, the stink was bad. Not that there’s anything good about being on the 2 end of a 5 2 game, but… oh, my, lord. 19 seconds in and it’s already … Read the rest

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  • I take full responsibility for last night.

    Not that it’ll teach me anything. A conversation I had with Mike via IM, I thought, might have marked a turning point in my Leafs luck. However, I had no sooner mentioned I thought my luck might be changing than Montreal, as they love to do, went and messed it … Read the rest

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  • At least we didn’t suck.

    Usually when we lose, even if it’s just by a goal, it’s due to the fact we completely and totally came apart for pretty much the entire game. Last night, at least, we were able to keep it relatively together–well, except for about a 42 second stretch wherein both goals… Read the rest

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  • Slept through this one, too. Can you tell?

    My brilliant plan was to come home, flake out for about half an hour, then order pizza and watch the game. What did I end up doing? Coming home, flaking out for half an hour, getting up at midnight, missing a 3 nothing win, and not ordering pizza. Gotta love … Read the rest

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  • So I can be lazy after all.

    They do, it would seem, play tonight. And for the first time since the hockey season started, I’m actually not scheduled to miss a Friday night hockey game. Someone else will be preparing my dinner. Tonight, we dine in Leafdom. Unless they lose. Then we dine in hell.

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  • On the other hand, my theory could just be bunked in the span of a minute.

    After 4 minutes, it was 2 nill Ottawa. That hurt… a *lot*. This, I’ll add, after a conversation via IM albeit briefly with Mike regarding the Leafs’ current defensive/goaltending situation. Two goals scored less than a minute from each other, and the game was pretty much over at that point. … Read the rest

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  • I’m starting to see a patern here, and I’m not encouraged.

    That patern, for the generally curious or generally bored, is that when I figure things will turn out slightly more positive than I’d initially thought, they do a complete 180. So far, that patern has only been proven in the hockey world–I’m still working on the rest of it. Reasoning. … Read the rest

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  • Toskala and Raycroft score hat tricks, Leafs lose.

    Vesa Toskala and Andrew Raycroft lead the team in goals for the season, after another 4 and 3 tonight, respectively, in the Capitals’ 7 1 spanking of the Maple Leafs. In a postgame interview, Toskala said of his performance, “well, we sent out the usual wake-up notice that we had … Read the rest

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  • The best hockey game I ever slept through.

    Of course, any game where the good guys come out and win 4 1 like that is a good game in my books. That it happened to be their second win in a row, though? For the first time this season? Can’t go wrong. I mean, granted, it was against … Read the rest

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