Category: Mailing it in

  • This is not a blog post.

    Well, okay, not really. This is more a “hey, this still exists” post. There’s at least one update coming, plus a backposting of a piece of follow-up work written and drafted by shane. But this is not it. Busy is the name of the game so far–not the least … Read the rest

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  • Random thought from the cell phone.

    Tim Horton’s officially offers debit as a payment method. They announced it as new. No one tell them it’s been around since I was in highschool at the very least, kay? Also: I don’t even live in the US and I’m sick of hearing about Sarah Palin’s latest attempt at … Read the rest

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  • The frankenputer, she is dead.

    It wasn’t the video card after all, but rather the motherboard. Nifty. They go shopping tomorrow. Bright side: I get to play with Windows 7. Complain? Me? Nah.

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  • The thing about family in recovery…

    … Is you’re almost always greeted with a full house. The kitchen was packed for about 5 hours or so last night. My uncle, his girlfriend and her daughter dropped in. Then, the brother dropped by with Aiden this afternoon. Happiest I’ve seen mom in a long time. Awesome. Now, … Read the rest

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  • Return of the palm-sized keyboard.

    So the laptop ended up being not such a hot idea. It’s got a problem taking orders. Such as, you know, the order not to implode when I shove the AC adaptor into the thing. Sigh. Well, I tried. Next?

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  • A small note to Emoze.

    I am currently not near anything remotely resembling traditional internet access. This is not, therefore, a good time to fail. Please to be ceasing and desisting immediately. No love, Geek with little patience tonight

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  • A note to email spammers everywhere.

    I don’t think you need to be sending 15 emails to my phone in the span of 24 hours. Particularly when I had no idea this number translated to an email address. Thanks for pointing that out to me. Now kindly cease and desist. No love, Me PS: Every single … Read the rest

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  • there is an update coming.

    This thing, however, is little more than a random passing thought. Evenings spent with family, Jessica and awesome food are for the epic win. Now, then. I was going to be stuffed. Exploding, now. Sent by emoze push mail

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  • Selling my soul to At&t. Twice.

    About 3 weeks into a 4-week stay in Rochester, I finally decided I didn’t feel like getting run past the point of broke by Rogers. This prompted me to bite the bullet and deal with its slightly less evil twin. So I called up At&t and decided on their pay … Read the rest

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  • Let me be clear. There was just an epic win overdose in Rochester.


    It absolutely must be said, just for the record. Any event that ends with me at a bar is an evening well spent. Even if we did bail on some kind of bad concert to do it. And the getting home at late thirty? Awesomeness. That is all.

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