Category: It’s all about me

  • Canada’s tax system hates me.


    Okay, small correction. Canada’s online tax *filing* system hates me. I tried filing my crapola online so they can get around to paying me the money I’m owed, and their system is telling me some stupid form I know they have isn’t on my file. So now I get to … Read the rest

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  • No, I don’t need help. Screw off.


    Something that happened to me this morning, actually, kinda put me in mind of a conversation I had with someone last night, about my reactions to people who can’t seem to get it through their heads that yes, blind guy can, in fact, cross a street on his own. I … Read the rest

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  • Having that much fun should be illegal.


    The parental units showed up, and after shooting the shit with them for a bit and showing my dad the service I use for all things income tax, we took off for teh casino. Where all 3 of us managed to spend the majority of the evening donating. It was … Read the rest

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  • Welp, it’s official.


    And I can’t really say I’m surprised. On the positive side, I’m up to my eyeballs in job ads. That aughta keep me busy ’til June-ish.

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  • Ganked from sheyrena.


    This is absolutely perfect. I dare say I’m probably well entrenched in the YFYP category. Which… actually works out rather well for me. Who knew? And now, back to getting MS Word to cooperate so I can update my resume and make myself look hireable again.

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  • Dead as a doornail.


    the work day, that is, not me. Though navigating OC Transpo tonight was all kinds of fun (hint: it ended in a taxi). So now, home, caught up on what little flist activity there was since 4:30 this afternoon, unburied from the 100+ emails (crap on a cracker, these people … Read the rest

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  • Guh.

    , ,

    I have taken 4 calls. My shift is over half over. I know I won’t take 4 calls between now and 5:30. Fuckin’ sweet. wonder who I should IM first when I drag my ass through the door… *considers, then goes back to enjoying his lunch*

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  • Never let it be said I don’t follow through.

    I said a couple weeks ago I’d sort of throw together a rough idea of what my uh… I wouldn’t call them rules so much as, um… guidelines, I guess, around that whole communication thing. A sort of “if you actually want a response…” kinda thing. ‘Cuz sadly, as much … Read the rest

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  • I should be alergic to Mondays.


    On the bright side, I was able to download a small sampling of my music collection to what used to be my permanent webserver so I could have a listen from work. So at least the day won’t completely killify me. I now go look for reading/mocking material.

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  • Fact: I don’t do well with birthdays.

    Well okay, not entirely true. In fact I completely and epicly fail at birthdays. I’m sure there are at least 2 people’s birthdays this month that have gone past unnoticed by me for that very reason. The one solid exception to this is birthdays of past girlfriends and the occasional … Read the rest

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