Category: It’s all about me

  • Because I threatened to do so.

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    Rodney Atkins – These Are My People (please download and save before playing) – Pretty freakin’ close to my theme song. Or at least, my family’s theme song. Murlynns_view and I both moved out of rednecksville (read: Pembroke) and live here. And really, that’s almost exactly how we work; the … Read the rest

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  • My week so far, in list format.

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    Because I’m lazy as hell. Well, and there’s not all that much here; it’s only wednesday. Gimme a break. Monday was pretty much hell on earth so far as work went. First time in like a month we were actually busy to the insane. Didn’t get a whole lot of … Read the rest

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  • Mondays should so be illegal.


    I’m here, after much miracle of transport. Our lovely bus system has apparently lost track of time, so my getting here ended up including a taxi. Rather the pricy way to do it, but I still got here an hour earlier than I would have otherwise. And an hour later … Read the rest

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  • And gone.

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    As of about… half an hour at the earliest, an hour and a half at the latest, from now, I shall no longer be home. Well, ’til Sunday-ish. Already I’m crossing my fingers drama holds off until I get back, but y’know. I’ve also officially become rather un-IM-able. Meaning, yes, … Read the rest

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  • Because I have crap to do and will probably forget half of it.

    And for that reason, this is purely for my benefit. Skip at will. But if you read and get nothing out of it, you were warned. I don’t believe in friends only unless I have to. And I don’t. what I do have to do at some point today though … Read the rest

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  • *twitch*

    I have proven, once again, that I don’t need any particular amount of time to be presentable and somewhat resembling mobile. Up but not necessarily awake at 6:10, closer to awake and lunch packed by 6:15, a little closer to awake and fed at 6:20, cruising the flist list at … Read the rest

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  • Another day, another nickle.

    And already I’m wondering where Friday is. Though this time, it’s primarily due to the fact yesterday was dead as a goddamn doornail, and there’s more people coming in today than there were yesterday which means even more dead time. It’s a real good thing I’m getting paid to sit … Read the rest

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  • Public service announcement: email may be borked.

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    It works for the moment, but god only knows how well or for how long. If someone comments/emails and I don’t respond until insane late tonight, that’s why. You’re not being ignored. Unless you deserve it but you already know who you are.

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  • Because I fail at this peer pressure thing.

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    So I decided to add Iron Man (2008) to my list of things to be watched. And since I’m way too freaking cheap to bother with the theatres, it’ll have to be downloaded. Oh, darn. It’d better be at least half as good as the reviews/commentary I’ve been hearing (I’m … Read the rest

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  • Muuuuuuch better.

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    Finally out of the office and in the relative safety of my apartment. There is recently ordered food soon to be enroute. Life is good again. If I never have to do something like that again it’ll be way too soon. And now: baseball, soon to be food, and talk … Read the rest

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