Welp, that’s it. I went in at 10:30 for my last day of work. I walked outa there at noon. Of course,the actual shift was supposed to start at 8:30, but that’s what having 2 free hours of vacation gets you. So I hoofed it there and back and officially … Read the rest
I’ve been up for like half an hour. I don’t leave for another 2 hours or so. How the hell? On the bright side, I don’t need to take 5 minutes to throw me together. On the not so bright side, if this was yesterday, as evidenced by the fact … Read the rest
On the bright side, I didn’t end up oversleeping this morning. On the not so bright side, I was damn near late anyway. On more than one occasion I think the lights were stuck in you don’t go anywhere mode. We ended up sitting at a few of them for … Read the rest
I just got off the phone with one of those internet usage survey things. They had questions about Bell/Sympatico. My answers were, quite understandably, less than glowing. I’m a very bad person to be taking a survey for statistics purposes, methinks.
So since shortly after I finally got home and settled, it started to rain here. And it didn’t really let up a whole hell of a lot between then and this morning. So I got to walk to work (yes, I actually got up in time to take the bus; … Read the rest
I even tried going to bed relatively early last night. And I still ended up waking up at quarter to 8 this morning. Granted I still got here on time, but y’know, it’d be nice to go back to being able to do that and still have more than 30 … Read the rest
Confusing subject line? My work here is done. I fired off a couple emails to the previously mentioned employment prospect (you know the one, they wanted me to start like 20 minutes after the conversation was over if it was humanly possible). Dialogue with that company has been successfully reopened, … Read the rest
We got in at about, oh, dark o’clock or somewhere thereabouts. I never really bothered to check the time. Puttered around with setting up the AC for about half an hour or so, realized it wasn’t going to get done last night, so we just kinda left it where we … Read the rest
I don’t think I’ve stayed up quite so late while at my parents’ place in, like, forever. As expected I did, in fact, survive the experimental way of getting home, as much as the mother thing will now go about the business of denying she got lost at least twice … Read the rest
And not all that great with subject lines this morning either. Sue me. This is what happens when I plan to not sleep in ’til 6:30 or 7. I end up getting up at about 4. Ah well, on the bright side the only thing I have left to do … Read the rest