I ended up getting in at about 12:30 or so last night, give or take, and we spent pretty much the next hour or so just catching up, talking and the like. She was pretty tired after all that, and I probably should have been; I did manage to get … Read the rest
It’s official, I can has lazy. But I still managed to complete 2/3 of my Christmas shopping on Saturday. So far, I’ve gotten things formom, dad, the brotherling, and half of Jessica’s (lj user=”samari76″) gift. The other half I’ll be getting when I come back from her place next … Read the rest
Well, it’s official. One day down, one to go, and i only have a slightly smallish twitch in one eye. Not bad, considering a lot of trips home usually result in stress up the wazu. So far though, things seem to be going about as well as they could be. … Read the rest
List format, because I’m lazy and everyone’s heard me curse enough on this thing this month. Fired off an application for Convergys on Monday evening. Called back on Tuesday (unusual, given it’s rememberence day), right at the ass crack of 9:00. Gave the usual I are blindy shpeel. Was supposed … Read the rest
Well, not really. More like years old and recently revived contact info. But oh well. I’ve made a return, unknown exactly how short it is, to both AIM and Yahoo IM. Call me crazy/sadistic/whatever. Or don’t. It’s all over here if you’re curious. I’d retype it all here but, well, … Read the rest
I can barely post twice consecutively in a week, never mind for the month of November. So anyone who had visions of me participating (which would make, what, one of you?), sorry. But if I can get over it, surely you can too. In completely unrelated news, last weekend was … Read the rest
I haven’t done squat today, except make a rather pathetic attempt at getting dressed. Mom and dad are out at the grocery store and doing some other crap they have to get done this morning. I’m… well, not. I decided to stay home and mind 2 dogs and a dust … Read the rest
Tried that sleeping thing. It lasted all of about 15 minutes. Okay, productivity time. If I’m up at mumble fucking thirty in the goddamn morning anyway, I might as well be doing something.
So the last couple times I’ve been letting our muts out, mine’s been developing this nasty little habbit of leaving the yard and either chasing after or barking at those foolish enough to walk past in front of our house. Cute once or twice, but not any more than that … Read the rest
There’s a very good reason why it is there’s been a decided lack of an update since, like, Thursday or Friday. That of course being that I’ve just been having way too much goddamn fun. I took off from my place as planned at 2:30 on Friday, and got to … Read the rest