As I sort of hinted at earlier this week, I wound up with an interview scheduled for this past Wednesday. Which, actually, was rather convenient since that was my planned return home date anyway. Mom had a doctor’s appointment that morning, though apparently on a whim she decided it’d … Read the rest
I actually managed to sleep in today, for like the first time since I got here… got up at about 9:30, give or take. Or, rather, got woken up at 9:30 by my father’s dust mop deciding to stick its tongue as far up my nose as it could possibly … Read the rest
New day, new routine, same old habbits. Except I actually remembered this thing two days in a row. Bloody miracle, that. Aunt Holly and queen Dramatus Persona are over here now, shooting the shit with mom in the kitchen. I was out there for a bit, but came in here … Read the rest
It’s been a fairly uneventful week plus in this screwed up reality in which I live. Not a whole lot new going on with the exception of the fact I’m noticing a steady increase in the number of available job postings in Ottawa. Not necessarily an increase in the number … Read the rest
I’ve never been one to just on a random impulse pick up a book and start reading. Doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t have an appreciation for a good tale, I just can’t be bothered half the time reading it. I’ve hread a few Steven King novels, seen some of the … Read the rest
So apparently, since about 5:30 or 6 last night, the router of epic failness has decided to play nice. I have absolutely no idea how long it’ll stay that way, or even if it’ll come back should it go tits up on me tomorrow. So, here comes mister preemptive preparedness. … Read the rest
Because, well, everyone else is doing it. Granted I’m hella late, but… well, y’know. One has to give a shit first. Things happened in spirts this year, starting about halfway through. The first few months were relatively uneventful, though. By about the beginning of march, my old job over at … Read the rest
As is to be expected, after my last post Jessica (samari76) and I pretty much just hung out and did that thing where we were several different kinds of lazy. Y’know, like we’d planned on doing. Sunday was her departure date, so we just wanted to enjoy what … Read the rest
Well now, that’s a way to spend a lazy weekend in snoresville. We ended up going back to bed after all, and falling asleep. We got up at about… hm, 1:30 or so, I think. we pretty much sat around and talked, sorted through emails and doing that thing where … Read the rest
So as previously stated, the two of us packed it up on the 23rd of the month and booked it on down to Pembroke for Christmas. As usual, it went over with the required amount of hillarity. Unusually, the frustration/irritation that comes with managed to hold off at least until … Read the rest