And maybe, if I’m lucky, I’ll get around to actually doing said things. Toss laundry in the machine Go through stuff I haven’t unpacked yet from the trip to the parentals’ Unpack anything I might need, and pack it with the road trip stuff Wash anything I forgot I didn’t … Read the rest
After Wednesday’s rather lengthy song and dance that got me absofuckinglutely nowhere that would be considered anywhere near productive, I pretty much prepared myself this morning for an impressive round or two of fisticuffs over the whole bus ticket incident. But when I got to the station, for the first … Read the rest
Well, sort of. Y’see, I’m slowly beginning my exit from the coughy mchackencough school of hell, and instead I’ve enrolled in sniffle mcsneezy university. What 2 days ago was a semi-irritating chest thing is apparently morphing into a wicked evil head cold of d00m. Same thing happened with the motherling, … Read the rest
Energy is at a premium right now, so this will be a short one. The interview went relatively well. They’d already filled one of the positions they were hiring for (figures it’d be the one that pays more), but I was able to stick my name on the list for … Read the rest
I should know within the week…ish, if all goes according to plan. I applied for a position advertised by Adecco, another local temp agency in these here parts, at about the end of last week. I’ve been in almost constant contact with them since Monday about that and one … Read the rest
I’ve been up since 8-ish thanks to two very hyper dogs and haven’t really done squat. Had them outside for a good half hour to 45 minutes, before they got distracted by the neighbour’s dog and had to be reigned in. Or rather, dust mop had to be reigned in. … Read the rest
It’s been a pretty close to uneventful week this week, both on a personal front and, as per usual, on an employment front. Still looking, still applying, still not getting people calling. So I pretty well decided today is the day of escape. I’m spending the weekend (well, plus tonight) … Read the rest
As I mentioned a while back, I’ve been toying around with Gentoo linux off and on for a while, and have been considering running it locally for quite some time. Today, well actually last night, out of boredom I decided to burn a CD image of their latest release. … Read the rest
Absolutely jack shit planned today, with the exception of looking for and filing job applications, as per usual (total filed thus far today: 1… I fail). Aside from that, continuing to get things sorted out, or rather try to get things sorted out, so I can actually file my income … Read the rest
Today, after pretty much getting caught up on admin stuff that needed catching up on, and dealing with a few more LJ children, I finally got a chance to head out and figure out exactly how much weight I’d be losing trying to get myself to and from my potential … Read the rest