I keep threatening to do that post about what the hell happened to me since the last time I was actively blogging (Um, LJ-ing, perhaps?). Well, consider this my attempt at doing so. I’ll warn you in advance there will probably be things that get missed–it *has* been about 4 … Read the rest
After a little over 4 months not maintaining a personal blog, I decided to get back into it again. And, while Live Journal served its purposes when I eventually moved away from Movable Type, I kind of liked being able to actually know what’s happening insofar as the blog … Read the rest
As anyone who follows my twitter feed will probably already know, last weekend went actually quite well with myself and Jessica (samari76). She arived safely on Friday, and we spent the majority of that day just hanging around the apartment, talking. she ended up being a little more … Read the rest
Because I’ve come to the shocking realization that Twitter is not, in fact, sufficient for updating in any amount of significant detail. Well, okay, so I already knew that. Oh well. Not a whole lot of any real significance has gone on of late that needs updating anyway. Spent Victoria … Read the rest
That’s at least according to this article, which goes into some detail as to how a man who ended up getting laid off from his previous job found himself moving to Texas to take up a publishing job with a different company. As long-time readers of this piece of … Read the rest
Still managed to update in less than a week; something funky must be going on. Last week was pretty uneventful, after my last update with actual substance. Jessica (samari76) has a pretty full schedule, that being primarily work and class, so not a whole hell of a lot … Read the rest
Figured I’d break away from tradition a little bit and go *less* than a week since a fairly semi-successful string of updates before starting into the next one. Now hopefully the next one isn’t a week or six after this update. All that really ended up happening since Saturday was … Read the rest
Not that a whole lot really went on since the last time I posted something that wasn’t a link, but y’know. Jessica (samari76) and I are still finding plenty of ways to have all kinds of good times over here. Tuesday it involved a tiny little sellebration here … Read the rest
Or maybe not, but work with me here, dammit. Jessica (samari76) just kicked the royal shit out of her latest test, but I’ll let her tell whoever she pleases all the gory details of that one. And in slightly more w00t style news, I can has repeat job … Read the rest
… I’ve done pretty much everything but the dishes. Tears me up inside to let them go, it does. Really. Ah well, it’s not like they’re going anywhere while I’m gone, in the event I run out of time. As for right now, I’m waiting on only two things. A … Read the rest