Category: playoffs

  • Ottawa out in 6: #ChokeFest2015


    So I’m a few days behind the times and Montreal’s already behind in the series. Awesome. Also oh well. Ottawa has basicly never, and I do mean never, done much as far as the playoffs go. Ignoring 2007, when the city very nearly exploded, they usually cruised their way into … Read the rest

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  • Vancouver out in 6: Is that all?


    I didn’t have much of a dog in this fight, really. Haven’t had much interest in either team–aside from I know someone who knows someone who plays for Calgary, but you’ll have that. Vancouver had this series, though. Hell, they had the game yesterday. right up until they didn’t. Up … Read the rest

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  • Jets out in 4: We barely knew ye.


    I gave up on my team having a spot in the playoffs when the bottom fell out in January. Which, when you combine that with me doing the school thing, probably explains why there’s been a grand total of 0 posts on the subject since who knows when. But that … Read the rest

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  • Side-effects of being a #Sens fan: Desperation leads to conspiracy.

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    That sucking sound you may or may not have just heard is what little of Ottawa’s sanity remains quickly finding and utilizing the nearest exit. While on the bus coming back from dealing with a few things, I was privy to the most interesting of sports related discussions. Interesting in … Read the rest

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  • In which Ottawa prepares to lose itself for about 4 games.

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    So. The Ottawa Senators made the playoffs. In a shortened season. One I’ve personally been avoiding since it became a shortened season. Awesome. This, roughly translated, means that for approximately the first round, the city will very likely shut down almost entirely at game time. Every sports bar, restaurant with … Read the rest

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  • Chicago wins the cup, we win the longest current cupless stretch. I approve of this.

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    The blackhawks hadn’t won the Stanley cup since 1961. My Leafs haven’t won the cup since 1967. Near the end of the playoffs, chants of “1967! 1967!” sounded off amongst blackhawks fans. For that, I offer a hearty thank you. The cup was won in 6, by the Hawks, apparently … Read the rest

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  • The playoffs fix themselves; Montreal is done.

    It only took until way, way too late, but Montreal went sideways at the hands of the Flyers last night. The joy in this apartment could have filled a stadium. Even more so after reading some of the headlines this morning. All I’ll say, and I’ll say it again, is … Read the rest

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  • The eastern conference is coming to a head. Boston gets dumped from 3 0.

    This is the perfect situation for a Montreal Canadians meltdown. They haven’t won the cup since 93. No team has come back from being down 3 games to none in a series since 1975. Prior to that, it was since 1942–the 1942 Maple Leafs, to be exact. Boston had a … Read the rest

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  • Montreal cheats, gets into conference finals. The hell?

    In a twist that could only be carried out on TV–until this week, anyway–Vancouver gets tossed out on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, Montreal puts the Penguins on ice. This after just about everyone pretty much ruled the latter out of the playoffs after, say, the last game of the season. … Read the rest

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  • the NHL playoffs just broke. No, really.

    Canada’s team got walked over on Tuesday. I mean, really walked over. In the clearest demonstration of the hockey gods’ hatred of us, Vancouver is now a member of the golfing elite. Yes, this means the only team north of the border still in the playoffs is those other people. … Read the rest

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