situation 1: I’m working, and thus only actually got to watch a grand total of maybe 5 minutes of play in tonight’s hockey game–I’ll rant about *why* that is if I have time later on. Or when I get home. Or, situation 2: the game of which I only got … Read the rest
I mean, it could have–okay, should have–gone differently, but… it wasn’t. Oh well, 4 3 is still better than some of the *other* scores I’ve seen toronto get rung up by thanks largely to Ottawa. And we do have a rematch coming up… this time, *in* Ottawa. I likes this. … Read the rest
If you were, you’ll be holding onto that excitement for about a month–he’s been ruled clean by the professionals, and still has to sit out the first 15 games of the season. I’d feel sorry for him, but… really, he brought that one on himself. And methinks he knows it. … Read the rest
The first ever Leafs game I remember watching, oddly enough I think I was maybe 5 or 6, was being called by the much respected duo of Harry Neale and Bob Cole. I think it might have been a playoff game, too–can’t say for sure, but… hey, it was about … Read the rest
I used to have a trick I could pull off last year, near the end of the season, to see just how bad the Leafs actually flopped when it came down to playoff time. I could even manage to do so from work. But, for the life of me, I … Read the rest
Hey, anything’s possible. They beat up on Detroit a little, according to the linked article… they couldn’t really do that all that much last season. Oh, wait–they only played like, once or twice last season. Well, at least we’re still in the race. Officially. But only because the season hasn’t … Read the rest
Toskala, I had such high hopes for you. But already, you’re making me wonder if perhaps Cujo was our last attempt at an honest to goodness playoff run. Don’t do that. But least of all… don’t screw us out of a win 3 minutes into the bloody first bloody period. … Read the rest
When I shoved my entire life into boxes and got the hell outa Pembroke way back in December, I acknowledged then that my hockey watching days, unles I wanted to convert to being a Senators fan, were either over or extremely, extremely numbered. Which, naturally, pissed me right the hell … Read the rest
This could become very, very good news. Not that I thought Raycroft sucked, really–okay, so he was no Cujo. Oh well. But… hey, we didn’t have much of a backup goalie before either. Now, at least we have that. Don’t get me started on the Carlo signing for 3 years… … Read the rest