Where was our winning streak? I think it went that way. We scored the opening goal, and… um… that was, well, it. They spent the next two periods–sorry, 2 and a half–pounding us. Best thing about the game? It was almost non-stop. Worst part about the game? Um. See season, … Read the rest
Most goals scored by this team all season, high energy, young players, yada yada yada. I still can’t get excited. Yeah, it’s our third win in a row. But the game didn’t really make much difference for either team. Both are still out of the playoffs. And the only thing … Read the rest
So they do remember how to do the more than one win in a row shpeel. Who’d of thunk it? And in overtime, too–something they’ve rather sucked at all year. Again, who’d of thunk it? Now if only it actually mattered. Still, it’s nice to see them starting to play … Read the rest
Well now, would you look at that. A win, and a rare one at that. Even more so seeing as it’s in overtime. I’d pretty much accepted they’d forgotten how to do that, and then last night, they proved me wrong. Now if I could just work up the energy … Read the rest
Sigh. Again. We did almost tolerably well. Until the third period. Again. A minute and 16 apart, they managed to throw two behind us–that sunk us. Not that we weren’t sunk before that, but that pretty much guaranteed we weren’t going to be surprised. I used to look forward to … Read the rest
It was a hell of a close game. Sens draw first blood, Leafs somehow manage to come back, lots of people having face first meetings with the boards. Or, in some cases, the opposing team’s fists. And still, even though it was Ottawa, and even though we won–in a shootout … Read the rest
I’ve run out of ways to say it. And we’re running out of games to do otherwise. The 2010 Toronto Maple Leafs, even after a huge as hell trade, are playing basement hockey. I want to blame the olympic break. But, I know better. So, who’s looking forward to 2010-2011?… Read the rest
Well, Now that all that excitement’s well over with, back to business as usual. Which, roughly translated, means we up here in the great white north set our sights on another playoff missed. I’m willing to chalk this last game up to just returned from the olympic break. But somehow, … Read the rest
Fortunately, or not if you’d prefer, I wasn’t able to watch last night’s game. The parents lack Leafs TV and this computer would explode were I to try and get it via the intertubes. So, I watched the opening cerimonies for the olympics instead. Turns out, best decision I could … Read the rest
We played quite well. I’d even go so far as to say we were awesome. Definitely the better out of the two teams. And we still gave it up. At least we waited until late in yet another third period before we lost all hope of winning. I’d say more, … Read the rest