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My day just wouldn’t be complete without pointing out the obvious stupidity that seems to congrigate in the unlikeliest of places. In this case, a German court, where apparently you can be a complete and utter idiot and believe in a magical cure for a bad relationship, then sue the … Read the rest
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Somewhere around 1:30 we ended up losing power, for reasons I still don’t exactly know. Well, other than that Pembroke/Pettawawa’s hydro system sucks royally. So, needless to say, it was not fun when the temperature outside happens to be hovering at or just barely above freezing. I don’t know exactly, … Read the rest
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Apparently, she who shall remain nameless save the various titles I’ve already asigned her on this blog is now officially engaged to my brother. Certain members of my slightly misguided family are still thinking (hoping, perhaps?) they won’t actually end up getting married. I, however, expect it. And am definitely … Read the rest
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I believe I’ve mentioned to a few people a passing interest I have in law. That goes along with the interest I have in politics, as evidenced by, well, just about everything in this category, and a few entries I’m too lazy to look for to include in said category. … Read the rest
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I’m assuming the answer to that is a resounding yes. Now, add to the mix, in place of the odd idiot who’ll just accidentally on purpose whip the ball at your head (never happened to me, but I’ve seen it happen), several idiots with shopping carts who’re concentrating more on … Read the rest
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Already, he did the first smart thing I’ve seen any liberal do in quite a while. He made blatantly obvious the fact that everyone’s favourite president–taken with as much or as little sarcasm as you please–is a disaster. Hm, I’ve said that at least twice on here that I can … Read the rest
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I should complain about there being nothing particularly blog worthy coming from the morons in newsland more often. People go and pull crap like this then. I dunno. Maybe I’m just uber odd for thinking it, but tongue piercing just begs for all kinds of problems. Why people even bother … Read the rest
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I of course wouldn’t hold my breath, but by the looks of it… that dog of my brother’s is here again. So that should give an indication. Fortunately, though, the two that actually belong here are outside… so there’s no constant battle of him wanting to take one of their … Read the rest
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You would think people would kind of make sure that, if not everyone in the vehicle is at least *wearing* a seatbelt, there are enough in the vehicle that everyone could actually do that. You would also think you wouldn’t try cramming 10 people into a vehicle that only actually … Read the rest
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It’s only October 16th. So why, then, am I going outside and nearly losing the feeling in my fingers? Blarg… winter’s coming too early! I miss the 30 degrees…