Category: family

  • Holy hell.


    This is the first time I’ve actually been able to sit down since, well, this morning. I mean, there was the span of like… 10 minutes wherein email got checked, people got replied to, and pixies got kinda sorta somewhat teased, but actually sitting down, not since before I did … Read the rest

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  • Having that much fun should not be allowed.


    After much shuffling of schedules, we managed to kill pretty much the entire day in Ottawa, and for once, it wasn’t the type of killing a day that makes you want to just go home, flake out, and try to forget that you actually left the house to be bored … Read the rest

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  • Technically inept parents… not fun.

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    I just got done explaining, or trying to explain, the concept of bandwidth to my mother. That was… well, to put it nicely, not a very feel-good endeavor. She doesn’t quite the idea that just because your connection to the internet *can* be faster on DSL than it is on … Read the rest

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  • If my relatives had blogs…


    I think, for the most part, I would be quite… frightened. Although, I’ve given some thought to twisting my cousin and her husband’s arm to get themselves one… those two would, at the least, be extremely amusing to read. And I’ve got the space for it… hmmm. *ponders* But, anywho. … Read the rest

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  • This is not a good indication for the rest of my day…


    I’ve been awake for an hour and a half, which kind of relieves me. It beats the hell out of 4:30. But in that hour and a half, I’ve done more dealing with keeping the rest of the house from being woken up than anything else. Apparently, my brother’s dog … Read the rest

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  • I take it back.

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    I’m glad I’m not insured… the payout would kill me. If my brother’s irresponsibility doesn’t. Okay, so his baking attempt resulted in blackened cookies. Why? ‘Tis extremely simple. He did what he’s good at, and didn’t bother paying attention. He’d rather sit on his rear downstairs instead. So uh, yeah. … Read the rest

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  • But I’m not insured!


    My brother, my accident-prone brother, my brother who can’t even take his shoes off without needing stiches in the back of his head (it’s happened), is baking. And me without my life insurance. And me stuck minding his damn dog while he screws around in the kitchen potentially setting the … Read the rest

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  • Can I have my hand back now?


    I love it when other people agree with me. Especially considering I used to actually be in college, so this was quite the uh, problem. Someone in my overly protective family, either my mom or someone who’d been badgered by my mom, would call almost every day, usually every second … Read the rest

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  • Well, it killed an afternoon…


    Unfortunately, that’s all it did. I now remember why I don’t tell my grandmother anything… she flips like nothing else. I made the fatal mistake of mentioning I was thinking about taking up guitar lessons… you’d think I asked her to hand over a kidney and a thousand dollars the … Read the rest

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  • Why I love saturday mornings.

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    Me, mom, and my aunt made the ritual trip for breakfast, just for general shooting the shit’s sake and well, because we could. As much as I despise family gossip, when we do it it actually gets to be quite… uh… well, amusing. But then, we don’t go putting our … Read the rest

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