Shortest conversation I ever had with my brother: Him: How is it my dog managed to get into so much garbage without you hearing him? Me: Simple, really. It’s not my job to mind him. *silence* Ah, lessons learned with live demonstration. No guarantee it’ll be successful, of course, but … Read the rest
And all I can say is God help us if they give him a gun.
Between the baking, shopping, and just generally lazing around that’s been done today, and the fact in just under 2.5 hours there will be hockey on at least one TV set, you’d certainly get that impression. But, no, this is just our premature thanksgiving dinner, done tonight rather than Monday … Read the rest
After spending nearly an hour in wallmart when I only had to go there for, like, 1 or 2 things but my mother decided she’d buy something from every sale coming, which I suppose shouldn’t surprise me but anyway, we finally got into the music store so the guitar that’s … Read the rest
My brother just tried to make himself look and sound pathetic in an attempt to get my mom, who was heading to the grocery store, to swing by here first so he can grab his smokes out of the car. Perhaps this is just me taking some sort of cruel … Read the rest