And still, at least for the moment, not disqualified. More informative entry to come. Tomorrow. Passing out now.
So why am I about the interview tomorrow? I mean, only a little… but… eh. Still. Nervous is not me. I think it’s a lot to do with the fact it took, like… 2 months to get this far, but I dunno. I’m not worried about not getting this job, … Read the rest
… May very well come to fruition in about 2 weeks. That’s when the interview that’s been in the works for at least 2 months has finally, tentatively, been scheduled for. Tentatively meaning, subject to change depending on when the hell I can hitch a ride to Ottawa. Damn, with … Read the rest
… It’s a possible timeline. IE: the guy I gotta talk to about a job is thinking he’ll hopefully be able to call me back next week and schedule me in for an interview. So, it’s not a definite yes yet, but he’s still not told me to go right … Read the rest
Still no word on the interview with Dell that’s been put on hold for nearly a month now. At least, nothing concrete that says it’s going through… apparently they’re still ironing out a couple details. *shrugs* I dunno. I keep regular contact with the guy so at worst he’ll just … Read the rest
Though not entirely unplanned, it was still fun. By ‘it’, I do mean spending a good 2 hours taking a walk by the waterfront and doing absolutely nothing. Nothing that didn’t involve coffee, anyway. Sometimes, I’m very thankful for places like Tim Horton’s. It’s kinda sad, in a… “thank the … Read the rest
… and I’m nervous as hell. I dunno if it’s the prospect of the job, or of possibly moving out, but… yeah, I’m a little bit jittery. And the job I’m being interviewed for hasn’t even gotten to the “you might be hired” phase yet. I dunno what’s more pronounced, … Read the rest