No, this isn’t going to be one of those regular occurances wherein I blog about things 2 or more days after they happen, or at quarter after 2 in the morning. Okay, scratch the second one. That one’s already a regular occurance. The new years party was awesome. A little … Read the rest
I’ll just get home at the crack of midnight instead. But, I’ll take it… why? ‘Cuz I likes my sleep, and 3:30 in the morning sucks uber royally. I’ll be done my training completely by February, give or take… then they’ll probably be all curel at me and make me … Read the rest
Training officially gets underway this morning. In fact, I leave here in… about half an hour to get there. And, somewhat surprisingly, at least to me anyway, I’m not as nervous about being there as I was yesterday. Not as excited either, but… still, not as nervous. Now, I think, … Read the rest
Unfortunately, that was the most excitement I saw the whole 9 hours or so I was there. Pretty snore first day, really. A little frustrating trying to get from here to there and back again, but when you take into account that I’ve done that particular run a grand total … Read the rest
And it only took me a small eternity. Seeing as it’s now 5:00 in the morning and I’ve not yet been to bed, I’ll try not to make this entry too painfully long. That said, though, I do have one thing to say right quick. Being a Toronto Maple Leafs … Read the rest
In the span of two days, I have managed to get every single thing I needed out of the way, and in record time. Which… actually explains my rather lacking blogness for the majority of those two days. And now, paperwork is in the hands of the Dell folks, rental … Read the rest
And I should so be in bed by now, but I’m just… well, sleep isn’t happening any time soon. And no, it’s not because of the half empty can of coke sitting to my left. Although I suspect that probably won’t exactly serve to be a sleep aid. So what … Read the rest