Category: dell

  • Monday sucks.


    Up side: the walk to work was absolutely awesome; any sign of snow that persisted last week is pretty well whiped out now. At least, any sign that would be noticeable to a guy who can’t see a damn thing. But it works for me. This contributed to making the … Read the rest

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  • Just how awesome is James?


    Walked some chick through replacing RAM for her system. Now, keep in mind I have no idea what said system looks like internally. Or just how skilled she actually is (she was decent, for the record). Duplicate *that*, I dare ya. Or maybe not. PS: No, I’m not always that … Read the rest

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  • I’m awake. Somehow.

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    I have no idea how I managed to pull that off. Nor do I have any idea how I managed to drag my ass to work this morning. I got enough sleep, I just didn’t want to get up. No big surprise for me lately; stay up ’til 4 for … Read the rest

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  • Someone go to work for me tomorrow.

    I don’t wanna.

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  • Over. Three. Hours. *dies*

    I have officially gone over 3 freakin’ hours on this call. For something that, had the last 2 guys before me actually done what they were supposed to, wouldn’t have needed to take that long. Le sigh. Going home tonight’s gonna feel so damn good…

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  • I still don’t feel very awake…

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    Fortunately I’m nearly halfway done my shift. And I have the next 3 days or so off. At least one of those mornings will be spent oversleeping. tomorrow sounds good. Hmm. I need things that entertain. My usual source of entertainment’s not doing it for me this afternoon. Someone called/texted … Read the rest

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  • Can I just bullshit my way through half an hour and then go for training?

    Possible, but not bloody likely. It’s significantly more active now than it was when my lunch hour started. That, of course, does so not mean I can’t at least give some attempt at effort to being lazy. ‘Cuz, you know, lazy is good.

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  • Is it over yet…?


    Sadly I already know the answer. But hey, I can pretend. At least it’s not as insane busy as it was earlier. Take a call, fix a busted machine, breathe, repeat the process. Now at least we’ve got a few minutes between calls. Mind you, it helps also that at … Read the rest

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  • Oh my. Why am I still here?


    We have way more people waiting for calls than we do calls coming in. I get off in 11 minutes. I have requested to be released early. Yet, I am still here, doing that bored thing where I kinda sit here and brows for thingies to read in order to … Read the rest

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  • Things of much randomness.

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    I believe this just may be the most I’ve posted in one day to either of my incarnations of this here blog. And just about all of them will be equally filled with substance. ***************** It’s official. The filesharing community as a whole despises me. My search for season 2 … Read the rest

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