Category: dell

  • Mondays should so be illegal.


    I’m here, after much miracle of transport. Our lovely bus system has apparently lost track of time, so my getting here ended up including a taxi. Rather the pricy way to do it, but I still got here an hour earlier than I would have otherwise. And an hour later … Read the rest

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  • Ha. Epic fail.

    Chicky just called up because she got one of those memory cards stuck in the card reader on her system. She got it stuck by? Putting a card in there that’s way too freakin’ small. Brilliant. Computer license revoked. Trade you for a moron of the year award.

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  • Oh. Snap.

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    I haven’t had that much fun since the last time I was up to my ears in calls. Actually this time seems like it could be manageable. It’s coming up on 2:30 and we’re not drowning in people on hold, which is always a good place to start. Now I … Read the rest

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  • Wo. It’s actually busy here. What a concept?


    There were at one point this morning people actually on hold. That hasn’t happened for like a month. Dare I say I may not end up being bored to tears today? Dare I? Well, since I’ve already said it…

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  • I’m gonna miss this job.


    But mostly, I’m gonna miss the discount. and since I’ve got more discount codes than I’ll be able to use in the next month and a bit… anyone want one? They’re not much; 15% off, but um, it’ll kill the taxes on crap anyway. Or something. If I’m being told … Read the rest

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  • I will probably be kicking myself by about noon.

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    But yes, I am in fact quite here and somewhat still awake. There are, including me, 35 people waiting to get calls. Now, keep in mind it’s 8:30 in the morning–it usually drops off throughout the day. I’ve already discovered we’ve pretty much become a secondary call center; if one … Read the rest

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  • Muuuuuuch better.

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    Finally out of the office and in the relative safety of my apartment. There is recently ordered food soon to be enroute. Life is good again. If I never have to do something like that again it’ll be way too soon. And now: baseball, soon to be food, and talk … Read the rest

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  • Siiigh.

    “My CD-ROM doesn’t work. It must be Dell’s fault.” This isn’t looking entirely too pretty. … I could be here a while. Edit: Well, I may not be here all night at least. CD-ROM isn’t the problem. And her media card reader’s probably fine, too. Computer illiterate people who order … Read the rest

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  • Things one should not do on one’s lunch hour.

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    Sift through one’s regularly read blogs, discover the same 3 quizzes scattered throughout said blogs, and immediately start wondering “Should I do that too, or…?”. I really, really need to find something to distract me. Back to fanticising about a wicked awesome beast of a computer I will never aford … Read the rest

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  • Ug.

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    I did in fact make it to work this morning. It was in fact trying very hard to be cold outside. Fortunately, according to me anyway, it failed miserably. However, it’s supposed to be below freezing… I believe tonight. *le sigh* I was just looking forward to summer, too. On … Read the rest

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