Category: dell

  • *wakes up, sorta*

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    It’s sunday. I’ve been up for a grand total of half an hour. I should be awake. I’m not. I blame weekend mode. I was surprisingly active, though, for weekend mode the last couple days. Friday not a whole hell of a lot went on, except I got confirmation that … Read the rest

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  • I think someone hit the wrong button…


    PS : As per protocol this communication has not gone to       agents. Team Managers are requested to create agent       awareness. Um. Oops.

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  • Not the ideal start to a morning.

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    So since shortly after I finally got home and settled, it started to rain here. And it didn’t really let up a whole hell of a lot between then and this morning. So I got to walk to work (yes, I actually got up in time to take the bus; … Read the rest

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  • My mad multitasking skillz is teh awesome.


    Of course, if ever I have to repeat such a feat of multitasking amazingness again, someone’s gonna have to visit the responsible idiot in the ICU. Once again, our beloved documentation database has decided to take a rather fantastic crap. This one for like 2-3 hours. Not bad if I’ve … Read the rest

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  • Urg. Again.


    I even tried going to bed relatively early last night. And I still ended up waking up at quarter to 8 this morning. Granted I still got here on time, but y’know, it’d be nice to go back to being able to do that and still have more than 30 … Read the rest

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  • So we were both right.

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    So it turns out I now know better than to question the wisdom of Samari76. They did, in fact, get around to telling me today instead of Friday whether or not I ended up making the list of those on the extended employment term. However… all it did was … Read the rest

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  • Not quite how I invisioned starting the morning.

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    We got in at about, oh, dark o’clock or somewhere thereabouts. I never really bothered to check the time. Puttered around with setting up the AC for about half an hour or so, realized it wasn’t going to get done last night, so we just kinda left it where we … Read the rest

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  • Mobile, but definitely not awake.

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    And not all that great with subject lines this morning either. Sue me. This is what happens when I plan to not sleep in ’til 6:30 or 7. I end up getting up at about 4. Ah well, on the bright side the only thing I have left to do … Read the rest

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  • Now that’s what I’m used to.

    I’ll come off lunch in about half an hour, and actually have time to breathe before taking another call. As opposed to the non-stop sweat shop that’s been this place since at least 8:30 this morning. I’m so looking forward to walking out that door tonight…

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  • So about that entry with substance.

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    Seeing as, you know, I’ve got time now that I’m installing windows for someone. Woot and such. So for the first time in all of… hmm, maybe a week, I actually didn’t drag my ass out of bed before 7:00 this morning. By choice, even. I likes me my sleep… … Read the rest

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