Category: dell

  • I somehow survived my first night on the phones.

    Don’t ask me how, because I have absolutely no idea. A couple calls I took ended up making me feel somewhere between awkward and stupid, and… I was… more than a little nervous taking them, but I managed. Somehow. Through some twisted maneuver of fate… or something. It was definitely … Read the rest

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  • One more reason to love my job.


    I’d originally planned to skip breakfast. But with free coffee and doughnuts floating around, ya think that’ll last long? Hell no. These people with whom I work are awesome. And… hey, I even get paid today. Suhweet.

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  • People amuse me.


    I sat here and listened to a recording of a phone call wherein the guy that called in was just plain trying to bate the tech agent into an argument, and all I could think is “I know at least one person who does that for fun”. Fortunately she doesn’t … Read the rest

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  • They’re letting me listen in today.

    Meaning in a few minutes I’ll be getting paid to let someone else take a phone call or few. Awesomeness galore.

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  • Different year, same routine.

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    I’ve said it before, and probably on here, but it deserves being said again. It’s a *really* good thing it’s just me living here–I couldn’t come up with the time to clean up after anyone else. I got home again today at about quarter to 6, or there about, which … Read the rest

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  • Happy after New Year!

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    No, this isn’t going to be one of those regular occurances wherein I blog about things 2 or more days after they happen, or at quarter after 2 in the morning. Okay, scratch the second one. That one’s already a regular occurance. The new years party was awesome. A little … Read the rest

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  • They’re not making me get up early!


    I’ll just get home at the crack of midnight instead. But, I’ll take it… why? ‘Cuz I likes my sleep, and 3:30 in the morning sucks uber royally. I’ll be done my training completely by February, give or take… then they’ll probably be all curel at me and make me … Read the rest

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  • It’s amazing what 5 minutes in trafic can do to your time table.

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    Usually, which translates to like… 2 or 3 days so far, I manage to actually catch my connecting bus to get me the rest of the way home from work at 5:00 or so. I think I mentioned it takes me 2 buses to get me there and back. Ah … Read the rest

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  • And a small order of progress, please?


    Training officially gets underway this morning. In fact, I leave here in… about half an hour to get there. And, somewhat surprisingly, at least to me anyway, I’m not as nervous about being there as I was yesterday. Not as excited either, but… still, not as nervous. Now, I think, … Read the rest

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  • I got badged!

    Unfortunately, that was the most excitement I saw the whole 9 hours or so I was there. Pretty snore first day, really. A little frustrating trying to get from here to there and back again, but when you take into account that I’ve done that particular run a grand total … Read the rest

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