Category: dell

  • It should be legal to show up to work naked.

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    According to certain forecasts, it’s upwards of 33 degrees C outside right now. Which, ordinarily, wouldn’t be unexpected. Except it’s 6:00 PM for crying out loud. And by the time I get off work tomorrow morning, it’s supposed to still feel like 30 degrees out there. And to that, all … Read the rest

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  • Weekend in T minus 3 hours!


    And I never thought I’d be looking forward to it quite this much. Guess that’s what happens when you spend nearly 3/4 of an hour explaing that, no, if you power your computer off while frozen, the world will not, in fact, come to an abrupt and firy end. Curious … Read the rest

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  • *twitch*

    Waiting on a call. Been waiting for almost half an hour. Had a grand total of two calls all night. Did a really crappy quiz, got a really crappy result not worth posting. This is gonna be a long night… somebody entertain me.

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  • Yeah, it’s a slow night.

    An hour between calls. Plenty of time to check on my Baseball Mogul Online teams. And, in doing so, I learn… I’m 17-6 in one league, 55-60 in another, 13-11 in another, and 56-42 in yet another one. Plus one that’s not full enough to start yet. I have too … Read the rest

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  • Back to the grind…


    A week’s vacation is still not enough. But, ’tis over… and now, back to the usual routine. Anyone with quiz ideas, fire ’em at me. I’m gonna be bored ’til things start picking up around here… at about, oh… 2:00. Ish. Maybe. On the other hand, it *is* July 4th… … Read the rest

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  • Now that’s a distraction.


    So I’m waiting for the local bus that gets me from my transfer point to the office, and this rather nice young lady who just so happens to be taking the same bus pulls up a seat about… oh 5 feet away from me and starts playing a guitar. At … Read the rest

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  • I’m dyin’ over here. Of boredom.

    Wednesday nights/Thursday mornings are perhaps the worst nights to be working. There’s 36 people on the floor, or there abouts, and enough calls for maybe… uh… I’m gonna be generous and say 25. So at any given time, after about 3:00 in the morning, I get to sit here and … Read the rest

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  • Happy June! ‘N such.

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    This is what happens when I can’t come up with a more creative title. But… who’s counting? Ordinarily I’d be up to my eyeballs in calls… but… thank the gods for system outages, now it’s “we’re updating, call back tomorrow”. And I get paid to just sit here and be … Read the rest

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  • Yep, it had to be Friday.

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    So I’m standing at the bus stop on my way to work tonight, and sure enough, I think those same people were there tonight who were a couple weeks back. I kinda recognised the voices, anyway… at least a couple of ’em. And again, they were complaining because the bus … Read the rest

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  • Just how awesome is my boss?

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    I’ve been off the phone for the last like… 5-10 minutes, conveniently 20 minutes before my shift ends, to update my timecard for lack of a better thing to call it. I’ve no intention of going back on the phone, and even if I did… I leave in 5 minutes. … Read the rest

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