Category: dell

  • I think the phone system’s busted…

    There are currently a shitload waiting to take calls. A week ago today there was a shitload waiting on hold. What’s busted? Whatever it is, don’t fix it–I’m lovin’ this. First time in like a month I’ve had time to breathe before 4. Hey, I may actually get to take … Read the rest

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  • And then there were none.

    Ladies, gentlemen and innocent little children, for the first time all night I actually have a couple minutes–note: certain people’s possibly not yet received emails will have said 30 seconds… that was earlier–wherein I’m not currently trying my best to explain to some moron that his computer is not, in … Read the rest

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  • Wake me up when it’s over, m’kay?


    They expect me to be in training until 2, and then in a meeting ’til 4. Which means by the time I take my first phone call, it could be 5. This is gonna make for one hell of a long night…

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  • Dell: we’ll help you with your porn, too.


    I’ve sunk to a new low. Guy calls in because he can’t access a certain website. that website just so happens to be, and the reason is his own stupidity. for the record, searching for on google will not, in fact, always reveal that particular website. typing the … Read the rest

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  • What a horrible fan am I.

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    I promised I’d blog more about my hockey team, then promptly fell off the wagon for all of 2 games. I should really make up for that–for the record, they were games in which we both got crushed and did the crushing, so at least I’m missing games on both … Read the rest

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  • I get to do nothing for 4 more hours. Plus breaks.

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    And all because of a collective clusterfuck that means my entire team misses out on 4.5 hours of training tonight. So now, until 2:00 in the morning at the earliest, barring a natural disaster–they taught us very early in the initial session about the speed of Dell–I get to sit … Read the rest

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  • 27 minutes…


    And I’m home le free. Tonight’s insanity done with, I don’t have a job for the next 3 days. In 26 minutes. And… oh, my, suh, weet, le, jesus. It’s gonna feel damn good walking out of this building in… 25 minutes. The countdown is on. And I *will* leave … Read the rest

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  • Thanks giving with the family. Or, will I snap this weekend?

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    Take insanity from one hell of a work week, add in a trip to Pembroke for thanks giving, a pinch of the ultimate in meladramatic families, throw in a sister-in-law I’m told has grown up a bit but still find myself seriously doubting, and what do you get? Me wondering … Read the rest

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  • 38… calls… waiting…?

    I get the distinct feeling calling in sick should so have been on my list of things to do tonight. Oh. My. Loving. Lord. I know I wanted to work in tech support, but at 11:00 at night there should not be this much insanity. It’s just not cool! I … Read the rest

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  • I promised you a rant, and here it be.

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    Warning: this could get very, very long-winded. Possibly requiring it not be posted until the end of my shift–taking one look at how busy we are right now (35 people currently on hold, just for the record) with about 20 minutes before I have to actually start, it might take … Read the rest

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